Why youtubes copyright excuses are bad policy, really shows when a health crisis arrives.

in palnet •  5 years ago 

The state of the Netherlands during a health crisis.

As I have no TV, I have no access to the mainstream news, I didn't even have a clue that our PM had anything important to say, as the last message that came from him was not very exciting. Something to the extend of: Keep calm, we have it all under control.

Yesterday I visited my mom, she also has no TV. And she asked me if I could show her the speech of our PM.

Now I have only a very slow download, so the regular NOS news is out of the question as it only pushes full HD. And then a 10 minute clip will take about 3 hours to download if I'm lucky enough that it does not time-out.

Then there is youtube.. but, I don't have a youtube account.

I can find a link, just one, and it's not even from a news outlet, so i'm lucky that the holder of the account of 'Solomone Baldi' was kind enough to upload it.

The only clip that duckduckgo presents. and that only had 11 views...

I know that our PM is a boring twat, but 11 views... that's just a joke!

rutte corona 11 views.png

But then I click on the link...

And this is what I get

rutte corona youtube.png

Can't use TOR either as TOR fails to initialise. (TOR times-out on my slow connection)

NO option to view any emergency broadcast on a low bitrate!

Then I try the main newspapers.

Telegraaf, AD, Trouw, etc. ... there I get a paywall!

To damn annoyed to also make screenshots of that, I assume everyone knows what a paywall looks like in 2020.

So, there is an actual emergency, and this is that status of our hypermodern news media. Operationg with state of the art technology.

And, I still don't have a clue what the PM had to say. So it can't be really important then, can it?

I'm sure there will be some option out there, but i'm not going to waste more time to find it. If this corona shit is do damn dangerous, then I'm sure that PM has some plan to make sure that EVERYONE can reach his funny clown face.

To think of all the millions that our country has paid to spy on each and everyone of us, and then to see that there is NOTHING available to do the most basic things ina fucking health crisis!



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