Dear Diary: I Am Making Myself Fruitful And Productive Despite My Disabilities

in palnet •  5 years ago 


I am still happy and thankful that at least in spite of having a whole lot of medical condition I am able to support myself with my earnings online. In fact most of my expenses are getting paid by my online savings and I am also fortunate that my siblings gives me a bit that we also use for our expenses.

If not for my hard work I might have found myself under the ground already so I do thank God for his grace over my soul. Not all patients can earn like myself here in my country so if you are young and your are stricken with this condition chances are you will just be a heavy drag to your family members.

Patients in my situation are just left like this until we basically die. I am just surviving because I have an income for my disposal so I am careful not to spend it in needless things because not too many people are helping me. So for steem community I am am deeply indebted about.


But I always feel like am am a panhandler in the streets of steem although I never for once asked for financials because of course it is an unwritten rule in communities. So I just tell people what is my current situation regarding my health and that is all I just have to do.

Technology had came a long way for me to utilize it for my needs although it came a little too late particualrly for cryptos ( why it didn't came sooner ) but I still see a ray of hope at the end of this difficult and long, long tunnel that I am neck-deep stuck and stranded into. But I am am patient and persevering because it is still dream of having nice things like a normal health or close to it.

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I had to reflect on what motivates me to help you. A small part is that by upvoting your posts I help you and I help myself.

However, if I saw you as a panhandler, I likely would not bother upvoting.

Your posts do many things. First, you give hope. It is inspiring to see you continue to work despite your debilitated condition. I think many of us would want to be able to continue doing something productive if we suffered a debilitating condition. You inspire.

Second, your posts are informative. Many people do not know some of the common problems with dialysis and your other afflictions. You educate.

Third, people love you, I think. Sometimes you lament your situation. However, you do not seem bitter and envious. Your posts seem very humble and at peace. I think if your posts were only about complaining, people would be less willing to help. You seem to take pleasure in the small comforts of life, like the frozen treats or the recognition of the wonderful family that has helped you. You give love and it comes back from your audience. Somebody with anger and bitterness would not get the same as you may have seen some Steemians.

With all that, I admire your strength and commitment to remain fruitful and productive when so many others would give up in your situation.

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