Delete We can do better.

in palnet •  5 years ago 

First of all this post should not be taken negatively. There are some negative points in here but that is for constructive criticism and regards what I would love to see in the near future.

I would like to destroy the existing site to build something better and fit for purpose.

The first thing I need to say is that is not fit for purpose. I’ve been on the site for two years and it was here for two before that and all we have seen in the way of updates is removing the beta tag and adding advertisements??

This is not acceptable for me as the site the shop front for our blockchain. I work in retail and know the importance of merchandising and first impressions.

If you want people to buy from you there are two reasons:

  1. Necessity. They need it and will buy regardless. We don’t have that luxury here as there are thousands of social sites and hundreds of crypto’s so we need to aim at number two.

  2. Desire. You make it look enticing and catch their attention. Build a product that people want to buy. Make it work well which we are seeing with MIRA and the new rating, then make it look pretty so that people notice it and look closer. It's an epic fail at the moment.

This is our landing page for the main app on the STEEM blockchain and the landing page for new people looking to get involved.

No offense but in real world terms it looks like a run down shop, with boarded up windows and a hobo shitting on the corner. It show’s nothing, it’s not enticing, it is the first thing most prospective investors and users see when they want to discover what is STEEM.

Compare this to other sites that you open up.

3speak, which is only a month old.

Dlive, which should be a part of the system.

Medium, a comparison to a standard blogging site.

What I am saying is that is not fit for purpose.

To be honest I think that and @ned, @elipowell, @andrarchy should give up on having a blogging site as there has been little to no interest shown in creating a good one in all the time I’ve been on the STEEM blockchain. There has been no emphasis on user experience or product development. So why keep it?

Now again I’m not trying to shit all over them as they are doing some great work right now. MIRA is a huge stepping stone for future development.

SMT’s will really up our profile and use case for businesses to come and our new A rating shows that the chain is being ran very well in the background. Brilliant news but not what 99% of the world’s population know or care about. An A rating won’t get streamers to join or writers to produce travel blogs.

It won’t get gamers to invest into @steemmonsters or advertisers to target our audience. The team is missing a huge part of the world as they focus on the inner workings of the chain. It’s brilliant that we have fast free transactions and nodes can be ran cheaply but if people don’t use this to their advantage then it’s all for nothing. Without the people and developers then it’s all just a waste of time.

I know that the team is busy setting up the new hardfork and plan to move onto SMT’s after but I think that this needs to be on the list as well. And fairly high up there.

That’s why I would make a proposal.

Delete in it’s present form.

We already have far better interfaces in @steempeak, @esteem even and have surpassed it within a few days of being created. I want something better. Something we are missing and that is a gateway to the STEEM blockchain.

Introduce people to everything that we have to offer and not some spam on the trending page. gateway to the STEEM blockchain.

Just imagine a different picture.

A new user lands on with fresh eyes and a willingness to join and learn what it’s all about.

The top of the page has the option to join now. Have a option to buy account now or redeem voucher code for one account. With the new delegation system we should be able to mine plenty free accounts and @steem or @ned could create thousands. Start handing out voucher codes on twitter, facebook, crypto conferences, contests.

Invite people to join instantly

Then you give them a reason to join. Not the fake trending page we have now but real users and real content.

Live now on

Next @steemmonsters tournament in .....

Trending on

Hot now on sportstalksocial.

Featured on

I want to see the @actifit leaderboard on the side and maybe some competitions for people to enter

We have so much happening on STEEM that people don’t know about!!!

I really think that we are missing out on an opportunity here to promote our blockchain and offer something to people.

If you want to keep it the same and we plod along as we have done for the past few years then fine.

We will continue to hemorrhage users and get left further behind by newer more exciting projects. There is no point in having one of the best products in the world if we refuse to utilize it properly and sell it to the world.

I think that with the upcoming hardfork and new proposals system that now is the time for a clean slate. Now is the time to do it properly and make the chain successful.

The hard work has already been done by @dtube, @aggroed, @yabamatt,@oracle-d, @actifit, and all the communities, apps and people that have built onto the chain. I just feel there is a responsibility to showcase this to the world and build a site we can be proud to invite our friends.

People don’t care about linear curves, curation percentages, block times ect. They want a fast free blockchain where they can interact, build communities, profiles, have fun and be free from censorship while earning a few dollars. If we can’t provide that for them then we have lost.

I read a great article today about how success doesn’t follow money. Money follows success. Big sponsors don’t pick a team that they like and pump money in to ensure success as there are no guarantees.. They pick proven winners to further their message by jumping in where they know it will do well.
If you build a large successful eco-system, advertisers will chase you to get onto Build a top site that entices users and businesses and the money will follow. For too long the community has been overlooked when it should be taken as your greatest strength.

Now I don’t know if the right people will even see this post but I would like to think that they would. They might also not agree with me but I would like to think that they would mull it over. We have seen how great sites like 3speak and Steemmonsters have been built in a very short length of time to a high standard so it can be done.

I know that this is like drawing stick figures to represent my vision but I hope that the message is clear.

Just to sum up that this is not a negative post. It is a post for our future and where I would like to see our flagship app take us.

Build for the long term and the arrival of millions of users. Showcase the best parts of or our blockchain and entice people to join. That will drive up the price, the users, the business and the development.

If you want to be a blogging site then fine, have a section to post into but we are so much more than that now and I would like to see it reflected by the people in charge of the site. We are being left behind and it’s entirely open to changing that fate..



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I'm not so sure that steemit Inc. has not felt the push from the American gov.

The last thing the powers that be want is a open place for ideas.

They can't really stop in in theory. Anything we put out there is on the chain even if steemit won't show it. I know the had issues with the hacker group previously and have to hide them.

I agree with you I was telling a friend that steemit should be like what iron man was to the marvel cinematic universe it gets people enGaged and once they In the world building begins and people are introduced to the other dapps while you remain a focal point of interconnectivity

Your role in the ecosystem doesn’t diminish as more charatcerS/dapps enter and people fall involve and fall in love with it, rather your role changes and adapts to help get the most out of the platforms that make up your ecosystem

Steem is a shared universe we just need a golden thread weaved in between it all which is what steemit should aim to be! Hire me as a consultant I’ll get it done lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Exactly. Get them in, give them a taste of the good stuff then get them addicted. Like heroin. Or iron man, same difference.

At the moment we are trying to lure them into an abandoned house wearing rags and a crazy smile telling them there are sweets in the back. It worked on a few of us but in general not a winning line.

Lol, that's so true, basically steemit looks like this to the outside world

Pretty much. Can't believe I fell for that again.

I'm completely with you.
I can't understand how it is still possible in 2019 to have such an ugly, old fashioned interface. I'm only a hobbyist when it comes to site building, ad placement and so on, and everything about this interface is wrong.

The layout looks like a site developed in 2002, and they obviously has to find a quick fix when starting to sell advertising. That banner at the top was a nice try by someone who had no clue about whet he was doing, but come on... That's not the way it works anymore.

A modern, attractive landing page, maybe with blocks that display all the different opportunities that are available on the Steem blockchain (using an aggregator, styled like one of those awesome magazine themes you find for WP, for example) would give people a much better idea about how interesting and versatile this blockchain is. Not to mention, it would look a lot more appealing and would definitely bring in more people

My background is marketing and merchandising and I can't understand how this is the best on offer after 4 years. It goes against everything I know about product development and sales. I know that has other priorities in the running of the chain but for me we need to get the basics right.

It's no good that the engine runs perfectly if you are trying to sell a beat up car with bad paint, rust and dents all over it. You need to have it look well as much as running well. People want the full package and while the existing users know how good the system can work for outside investors this is what they will see.

A modern, attractive landing page, maybe with blocks that display all the different opportunities that are available on the Steem blockchain (using an aggregator, styled like one of those awesome magazine themes you find for WP, for example) would give people a much better idea about how interesting and versatile this blockchain is. Not to mention, it would look a lot more appealing and would definitely bring in more people

This is what I will be pushing for as soon as the proposal system comes online as a priority. I don't have the skills to do it but it wouldn't cost the world to get a live and well designed webpage up and running. They also own which would be ideal to get this set up on and somewhere that we could all direct traffic to. Take out the steemit part altogether and send people to all of the blockchain.

Once you have this it would be time to set up some marketing groups and start to sell people on what we have here but there is no point until we have the basics right. It can all be done easily enough and bring more people in here. It just takes a plan and people willing to do it.

I agree with everything that you said about the landing page

What do you think about STEEMians spend all their time on Discord and leaving posts with zero comments?

I truly believe that Discord is killing our STEEM than Steemit

For gaming DApp like SteemMonster Discord is appropriate but not for social media platforms

I have found out that we have as well which would be great to get updated. We need a modern site fit for a leading blockchain and one that showcases what is on offer across the eco-system. That should be a huge priority in my opinion.

As for steemians who spend all their time on discord? I think it's a great tool but can have a negative effect on what we are trying to achieve here. It's great for organising and for setting up groups but we need to see more activity and more interaction on the blockchain.

I think that will help to change this mindset as it is being driven by a group who have one of the largest discord communities. If it goes to plan with a video option, a forum and hopefully an instant chat over time then we will have the tools we need to get the most from the site. As it stands we still need discord as the options aren't here on steem to replace its function. YET!!!

This will come over time as we develop the tools and products on offer and we have seen in the past few months how projects are linking up to offer better options and to advance.

I've big hopes for

video option, a forum and hopefully an instant chat

will be a game changer

And I know people use FB messenger more than FB and We need to BUIDL STEEM instant chat

I'm very aligned with your thoughts and ideas. It's a pity that some steemians find new ideas and proposals as they were only negative critics.
We have the best blockchain and many things can be improved also at steemit...
Good proposals man.

We have the best blockchain and the best community. I'm convinced about that. We should have a massive future but i'm not convinced on this.

There are always ways to do better and for me is a massive failing from It has so much potential to be the gateway for people to open an account and jump into the blockchain but it fails miserably. From the waiting time to open an account, to the shit posts on the front page.

New ideas can be scary but if it's not working then it should be done differently. I worry about the mentality of some of our major shareholders who bring a lot of negativity to the site when they should be trying to drive it more than anyone. They will be the ones that gain from it becoming a success more than us with a few thousand sp.

Totally agree. Steempeak and esteem are miles ahead of the main site also . I reckon they should delete the entire site themselves and let the dapps compet e

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree so much with your idea of deleting and let the other dapps compete.

If we get the new proposal system up and running after the hardfork I'll be putting this at the top of the list. It's a missed opportunity to market the chain. I don't even want to market steem to my friends as it's not ready for them. The regular people who just want to be entertained without knowing everything we have learned here.

@niallon11 yeaah totally, i don't want to talk about steemit to people until it becomes a proper site to enter. Now it's just a mess of information all around the page.

Exactly. It should be a showcase for everything that's good on here.

Steemit is not the best of Steem by a long way. Everything you've written here is correct. The onboarding process via Steemit is especailly poor and really does nail that one.

There are so many good things happening on the blockchain as a whole that it's disappointing to see how little has happened here. As a team is doing great work on costs, development and bringing in advertisement but they are forgetting about the users. Users are the reason for all of the other parts so this needs to be prioritized.

I agree!

With being down the last days, I went to log in to and remembered what an ugly website that is. Now having added the advertisement, it's even worse!

Let's get rid of it!

So ugly. This is the site that most people land on and the first impression they get of STEEM as a whole. It can take months to discover the other apps and interfaces by which time most have already quit. It's a massive issue in my mind.

It is a massive issue and why the broader crypto sentiment around the STEEM blockchain is rather negative.

It is time to let go of the website and replace it with sections as blogging / pictures / video / live stream / etc.

The way the ads are shown on there is a real turnoff.

It's just a matter of functionality. Having a site that's useful to people and looks good. Not exactly the hardest tasks and yet one they haven't bothered with. They own as well which would be ideal for this as a landing page and make the distinction between steem and steemit. Land users on and have it ready to sign them up with live sections for all the apps.

STEEM, the cryptocurrency was once a top 5 cryptocurrency, having a social media platform built on a blockchain was innovative at that moment.

I understand building a platform like that is not easy at all, but having a proper website really is.

The hideous design and ugly ads are incomprehensible, and a big part of why most people are turned off by this project. Why not just set up a partnership with It can be done!

Have you been looking into Voice? The project will certainly have its own issues it will have to deal with, but at least it seems they are bringing a well-designed website/app to the world...

Steemit will have some great SEO - time for them to invest in UI/UX consultancy and parallel development at same time as SMT development.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Absolutely. If we keep gaining apps and blogging sites and increasing the output of content then steemit will have a great SEO. This shouldn't be a huge job as there are plenty of people here capable of building a good site. Hopefully with the proposal system we can start getting some of these issues addressed.

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