if you ingest flouride in any form make sure you take this herb so that you do not damage your brain

in palnet •  5 years ago 


always use this herb for your brain memory and clarity
great article on dangers of flouride and the things you can do to protect yourself

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Turmeric has gained a lot of notoriety over the last few years for it's many health benefits. I use it all the time for added flavor on top of mashed or baked potato's, I throw it in Chili, stews, casserole's and added it to the list of things I flavor meat with. Not that I eat Kraft Mac and Cheese turmeric's many health benefits was why they went to using it to give it it's orange color a few years ago.

yes turmeric is great but turmeric you would have to eat a pound a day of it to get real health benifit cures from dementia but to get rid of flouride it will work the herb
to get your memory back you need the curcumin in turmeric and it has to be concentrated
there was my cousin dad who had dementia and we gave him concentrated curcumin like 20 times the regular dose for months and he started to recognize his family again
if we left it to the medical industry he would have been in a home now and not knowing anyone or even who he himself was
so many lies by the establishment and coverups
its no wonder they steal and kill without consquences
the place for lupus is call dream body clinic and the number is 1-833-445-9089 and the person to talk to is joshua kehner and they cure everyone from lupus if your friend is interested and can afford to get there and pay the 4k to 7k for treatment
have a great day and take care of yourself sunlit gurl