the saudis getting walloped by one of the poorest nationsin the world that is getting genocide fed to them

in palnet •  5 years ago

they cannot blame iran for this one since its so so far away from them
the third biggest buyer of arms is getting their asses handed to them by one of the poorest countriesnin the world
great to see the underdog taking it to the ethnic cleansers
enhoy and be safe people

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ethnic cleansers?...the majority of the people captured were rebels within their own country, how can they be ethnic cleansers?

im wondering if you are getting your information from MSM since they are full of shit i know a few hournalists with their feet on the ground and i know they are not liars and i dont watch MSM since it makes people think people as you do in these cases
saudi has been slaughtering yemeni people for a while and the MSM say fuckall and now that they have been fighting back and getting some ground the MSM chooses to repor ton it and as usual they are full of shit
have a great day sunlit have not heard from you in a while and really you should stop watching the MSM it will turn you into a zombie gurl

Though I do read/listen to a lot of MSM my opinions on the ME and what happens there come directly from my experience as a moderator on a blog site that was mainly a middle eastern blog. I started out there posting a lot of MSM stuff, the guy who ran the blog challenged me to look at alternative media. I spent months combing through articles from sites he recommended and look at a variety of issues and groups involved. Spent months googling stuff on the various conflicts and deciphering who all the groups were. It wouldn't matter one iota if we were there or not they'd still kill each unabated over issues that most go back hundreds of years...that's how deep the hatred is among themselves to each other. The only time they deflect away from hating each other is when we intervene then we become their main focus, the bad guys. When we leave, which we have managed to do from time to time, they just go back to killing one another. Yes that is their right to do so but underneath it all when assessing it it leaves no doubt in one's mind what so ever that if the worse of worse of themselves wins, gains control of the resources which enable them to buy arms their is no doubt in my mind that once they were no longer focused on themselves they'd be focused on other countries of the world and getting rid of those so called enemies also.

In the end of the reality of it all considering the way they conduct themselves among themselves over these minute historical differences and would genocide each other over them it is them who has to present to the world that they can live humanely and respect their differences between each other before trusting them of being capable of doing such to the rest of the world.

That whole experience led me down a path of severe depression for quite some time as I had to come to grips with the fact that the potential for peace in the middle east would likely never come to fruition as there doesn't appear to be a route to go down that would solve such a complex mix of issues.

sorry i wasnt trying to come off as being rude sunlit im a pretty blunt person and i understand what your saying
i just hope you dont think that we should be meddling in there weather they will kill themselves or not
it is none of our businuss and they are no threat to us
we should have no poor people in our countries here if we didnt go interfering with all these other p[laces spreading our supposed democracy
have a great day and i didnt mean to offend you or anything

I didn't take it as you being rude. Like myself at one time I was just naive. My depression stemmed from spending so much time with the other side on a blog site. These were real people somewhere who opened my eyes enough to look, to spend time looking at the alternate side of things. I became very conflicted as I could see their point but I could also see a matrix of many other problems I never knew about. Sometimes I'd find myself questioning how could I spend money on flowers for my yard while people were being persecuted, the genocide, people living in bombed out buildings, on muddy hillsides in tents escaping the violence...and it all didn't stem from us, yes some did but in many instances it was also among themselves. Once I was in a Walmart store and decided to stop to get a sub at Subway. I sat down to eat it and as I am staring out into the store my mind starts to wonder how easy it is for us to just walk into a store with heaping piles of food at our ready and millions of others around the world were starving, grasping for any bit of food they could find. Again, not all those instances were a direct cause of something our nation had done. We are not innocent but once your eyes are opened, fully open, it causes a deep conflict within one's heart at the complexity of it all and how does one even start to solve it.

I left the blog site after several of the bombings started happening in Europe and there were a few on there celebrating the deaths and the moderation was lacking to stop it as I did express my feelings I often didn't intervene with how people expressed themselves there. I realized that not all but some wouldn't have cared at all if that had been me, someone I loved or even someone related to someone else on the site that had died in any of those bombings. The reality for me was I would have cared enough about them not to celebrate something like that regardless if I was helpless to stop it, and that became to big of an obstacle for me to overcome. I will always cherish the time I spent there, I will always cherish the site owner for opening my eyes, but I won't cherish celebrating death, that isn't the answer either.

well said sunlit girl
have a good day

i sometimes should bite my tongue and word things a little better than i do but i am who i am
be well be safe

i can totally see why practical thought has no agreements with you in politics since you believe all the western lies and bullshit
not good gurl
and i do believe your heart is in the right place
they say mexico is a dangerous place and two of my friends moved there and they have not yet seen one mugging but living in the USS of A they see a mugging every month so dont believe the bullshit on MSM
the saudis have been killing yemenis for months now and nothing from the satanic MSM
the only time they piped up is when the houthis and yemeni start defending themselves and try to get an upper hand
wake up gurl

i can totally see why practical thought has no agreements with you in politics since you believe all the western lies and bullshit

People can disagree on an issue, that doesn't mean they'll always find themselves disagreeing on
similarly based issued, so the claim that no agreements politically based falls short.

they say mexico is a dangerous place and two of my friends moved there and they have not yet seen one mugging but living in the USS of A they see a mugging every month

Many Americans live in Mexico and don't experience problems either but the chances they live in gang infiltrated area's are more than likely mute. Same here, if you are witnessing a mugging a month the chances are you live in a gang infiltrated neighborhood or one riddled with crime.

have to agree with both comments above
well said

The Saudis and the Zionists are brothers in arms and they control the biggest groups of terrorists out there, like Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda and ISIS. I hope they murder each other someday.

dont worry mitty someday those two will also turn on each other as in like america is turning on all its allies and threatening and extorting them on a lot of issues
i see things pretty much the same as you do here
although its not the jewish or saudi people its their dirty rotten murdering leaders
cheers bud