in palnet •  5 years ago 

The journey of a thousand miles start with a baby step it's said. We have been living in harmony for a while now if not the change in power of my nation. I threw my self back on my couch and said "how I wished I was born in the ages of my forefathers". But on the other hand,i came to my senses and viewed how uncivilized those years were. But despite the fact that they were uncivilized,there was harmony and just little theft among individuals.Transportation-Old.jpg
We claimed to be a developed country but I see under_developed. Many nations that are not up to one third of our populace are doing great and well. For instance the nation of Iceland,they overcame their barriers even going to the extent of living a developed life on ice. Green vegetables are scarce over there unlike we over here,still they sought for ways of having green life. Another case is the Dubai. Despite been surrounded by desert,green vegetables are available to them and not in an inconvenient manner.
Nigeria is blessed with green life but there is lack of good governance. Imagining the president of my nation calling all youths lazy,while we are working our asses off on a daily basis and getting paid with a token as rewards. Gone are those days when after high school,there is job waiting for us with amazing payment as salary.Nigeria-Leaders-Olden-days-480x305.jpg Nigeria is faced with so many calamities today in such a way that we fight for daily survival and not thinking of how to solve the problems of our general societies. It has now become a self interest satisfaction since our rulers are only there for theirs only. We vote them in but they will never remember us for good any longer. The best new millennium governance that we ought to experience was intended to be Under the leadership of Umaru Musa Yaradua who was murdered. He had a 7 point agenda of which he started on the first one already before he died. Ever since,we became slaves in our own father land. This spring me back to the national pledge of my country which read thus "I pledged to Nigeria my country,ti serve you with all my strength ". But to be sincere,how am I going to serve my nation with all my strength when am hungry?!. I felt disappointed each time I recite the anthem because I know clearly that we are all lying. For me,i think it's high time i and we support Omoyele Sowore in fighting this war of freedom in order to be freed from the entanglement of our wicked rulers. Let me submit for till further inspirations.
©Picapolo 2019

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