RE: I bought a new toy this weekend, so now I need to take it to the range....

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I bought a new toy this weekend, so now I need to take it to the range....

in palnet •  5 years ago 

That would be a lot of fun! We could spend a month on 80% receivers, and make up some new toys, LOL!


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I'm pretty sure we'd find plenty of things to keep occupied with.

I don't doubt that one bit, LOL! Better hurry houses here are sought after....


Ah, I can see me now, sitting on my rocking chair, shotgun in hand, cool beverage (it's summer in my vision) beside me, whilst I scan for intruders...Hoping they turn up so I get to use the gun. My wife is in the kitchen making pumpkin scones, wearing a bikini top and Daisy Duke shorts and I have Florida Georgia Line playing in the background. The birds dart and dive over the lake and the sounds of crickets offer a counterpoint to their chirping...The only other noise is the sounds of mad-creation emanating from next door: You in your workshop.


P.s. My wife has never made a pumpkin scone and I probably wouldn't eat it if she did. She's a bit challenged in the cooking-skills department. :)

ROFLOL! That is a picture....

I do have a machine shop in my garage, to support my electronics lab. Been getting more machining lately, but that is fine. Seems like I stay pretty busy....

Repairing a small truck for a single Mom at church, she is not sure what's wrong with it. She is also broke, so it should be Fun! Hope the weather holds, it has been about 12 degrees C, not bad for January here.

I have a double barrelled, 20 gauge black powder shotgun that is FUN to shoot. Come on, and we can make Big smoke!

I do the cooking here, LOL! But I taught mine to shoot so the bikini top and Daisy Duke pants are NOT a safe Idea....


I thought you'd get a laugh...But now I feel like pumpkin scones damn it!

Ah if only I had a neighbour like you...My current one is nowhere near as fun!


Better get those scones, ROFLOL!

I would enjoy having you as a neighbor, would be Fun. I have drawings for a single shot bolt action 50 BMG, I would Love to make. Then we could try some long range shots....


I'd have to win the lotto as I think all we'd do is tinker in the workshop and shoot...Lol.

That is a better idea! It would be a great time, LOL!
