I am posting this from creativecoin.xyz - And... The drop.

in palnet •  6 years ago 

One more step completed in our attempt to bring the creative world together. https://www.creativecoin.xyz is live and ready for your posting pleasure.


When you go to creativecoin.xyz, it looks just like every other front-end except for one small detail, the payouts are listed in CCC like so:


Watch these numbers as they will change like crazy as the reward pool increases as well as the stakes of the users.

Speaking of stake.

Unfortunately, it appears the air-drop we wanted to do is not possible as of right now, so we're starting round one of our up to 20,000,000 drop tonight with a bit of a change to how it will be done.

We will be dropping in waves, if you stake, you continue on to wave 2, if you dump, you will not receive further drops in the next wave. If you purchase and stake, you may be added.

The reason we will be doing it this way is because we are here to actually help the community, and not individuals cash out for free. We understand that it is inevitable that dumping will happen but we also think we can stave it off for the betterment of the community as a whole.

We will go up to 5 rounds of drops (maybe 4 depending on how this goes)

Are you ready to create?

I know I'm not. I'm ready for some sleep, but this weekend, I will probably break out the Moog Mother-32 and start making some sounds again.

So thank you for your encouragement and patience this week as we announced a few days ahead of when we wanted to due to seeing rumblings and people asking for an art based tribe. We hope this is exactly what you are looking for.

Oh and as is customary with tribes, we have ourselves a Discord. It's like many other Discords, it has rankings and @banjo to talk to when you're bored and lonely. It also has 50% more me. Which may or may not be a selling point.


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Alright! Time to start pumping out those new songs, videos, and photograph posts!

Great to see this launched.

Sounds interesting

We will be dropping in waves, if you stake, you continue on to wave 2, if you dump, you will not receive further drops in the next wave.

Interesting! And smart. Good news for me: this is the platform I want to be an Orcaish fat Dolphin on haha :D Gonna keep an eye on the markets for this one.


Awesome. Well done.
Just logged in to take a look. ⚡🐬

Posted using Partiko Android

My brothers and I just finished a track, this is a great reason to release it on STEEM.


Amazing features

really cunning idea to tie drops to stakes. added incentive for staying the distance and also to find out who is reading and who is not. bet the idea takes off ..

{We will be dropping in waves} - that's creative :)

  ·  6 years ago 

I staked but I delegated to other. will this affects next wave airdrop to me?

Posted using Partiko Android

This will be a very interesting community.

I love this. I create a lot of things. I'm excited for a specific channel to promote to.
Can't wait to see where this goes.

Probably you can guess already how excited I am about this whole thing. ♥ What a treat for curators .. I can just search this tag and BOOM! If people use the tag properly. People! Use the tag properly, yo!

and if you don't get, and don't stage you don't get to wave 2 :)
how was the air-drop done? ,

This is nice. I just joined the discord channel.

Posted using Partiko Android

Wishing you well with your project. Creative suits some of my writing so I will be making use of your incentive and token.. :)

50% more Shane to blame... you set yourself up friend :)

have these airdrops already taken place? and what are the criteria for them?
Cool topic for a tribe

I always find myself somewhere in between creating, supporting fellow creatives and or talking / writing about the creative process. This coin appears at a time when I'm about to get back to both filmmaking as well as starting a podcast on creativity.
I am looking forward to finding out what creativecoin develops into.

Onwards and upwards! :>)

Good news for artists that should have a place with like-mined people thta they can feel at home with @swelker101 :D

@swlker101 thats very nice , I have put my first post also. Waiting to post more. And love to join the project as curator.

Omgomgomg I can finally showcase my work to the many eyes of creative individuals. Also created into audiobooks.

Posted using Partiko iOS

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

This whole tribe thing has me pretty excited, neoxian.city, pal, steemleo, and now this. Fuck.

EHRMAGHERD, site looks great, woooot!

I will be posting my art on #creativecoin daily.
Hyped a proper community sprouted up for this rather large niche.