RE: That's not censorship

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That's not censorship

in palnet •  6 years ago 

"How did the "individuals" come to own property? How did the muck define boundaries? How did the people even assign value to creation around them for "fair" exchange?"

People able to secure property exercise ownership. Rational societies support mechanisms allowing reasonable ownership, not unbalanced feudal systems. Value is a natural metric assigned by individuals undertaking trade to goods and services they find desirable, and involves various aspects such as scarcity, labor cost, and etc.

Not rocket science bro.

"...his entire being is borrowed..."

What does this even mean?

"...base-born merchant scum who dare imagine themselves equal to God, demanding "rights" from the Universe..."

We apparently agree on the scumminess of mercantilism, yet you keep trying to ignore that H. sapiens are actual beings that aren't either born workers or overlords. We're not some kind of eusocial insect born into roles. Each of us pops out and is raised with equal allegiance to others and rights to live - except as corruption and violence is deployed to subjugate some and elevate others, generally effected by psychologically diseased and broken sociopaths incapable of normal socialization.

Despite politics, physics makes the rules that determine what power individuals can possess, and physics is enabling individuals to provide luxury quality wealth and security that will make all politics irrelevant. It's just what it is. It doesn't care if you like it, or if I don't.

Overlords are just violent plebs, and soon they'll be subject to evolutionary forces if they are incapable of normal socialization. This is the future our sons will inherit. Since human prosperity and happiness will be greatly increased, I reckon that's a good thing.

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Those who are able to "secure" property exercise "ownership." Who do you think "secures" a portion of creation for your precious "individuals" to use as property, but the crown and the state? You defend the non-existing "rights" of the muck, that did not shed blood to seize the land, that did not found political infrastructure to establish order, that use coinage struck by the crown to measure the value of his surrounding, or even organize faith to give meaning to his purposeless life.

Rational humans, and rational societies, will reject the ludicrous premises of humanism and "human rights." Humanists that prattle of "freedom" and "tyranny" are no better than ignorant thieves that can not even recognize the concept of theft. Rather than expressing gratitude for previleges the state grants, the humanist muck denounce his benefectors, demanding additional concessions, imaginging himself a god. Those that prattle of "freedom" are truly shameless.

The infection of humanism must be purged from the collective sum of human consciousness, if humanity is to survive as a species. Those that peddle "freedom" are leading humanity into racial suicide.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Most of the colonists were loyal to the Crown, only a minority led by second-rate aristocracy and smuggler mafia rebelled against their rightful masters. The only reason for the 'Muricans worshipping "free" speech of the "press" is because all the propaganda outlets in the Colonies were in the hands of the rebel leaders. It was not the "free" men who rebelled against their betters, but second-rate malcontents grasping at that which is beyond their ken. It is not at all surprising that the Colonies experienced economic collapse only a couple of years after their ill-conceived rebellion. If the 'Muricans did not reorganise their government into a more centralised authority, in order to steal indigenous land, the rebellion would have ended with the colonists returning back to His Majesty King George the Third.

There is no such a thing as "free" man. It is a meaningless drivel the merchant scum use to manipulate the muck into action contrary to their own self-interests. Shiny new baubles will not bring-forth garden of Eden, when men are displaced in their thought and action by edemic rebelliousness, malcontent, ingratitude, and hubris. Men need to be governed; the anarchy, for which you desire and pray, will ensure the extinction of the human race. The miseries of the human race were not engendered by the orderly governance according to natural and divine law, but by the ignorant rebellion of the humanist muck.

" Men need to be governed..."

The entirety of the complete fallacy and self-contradiction of your position is encapsulated in that statement. If men need to be governed, then men cannot govern.

You further only grasp that new tech is new, and not that it delivers power. It is power that matters, and physics is the source of what will or will not be. What will be is the power to ignore them as would parasitize, and regardless of fantasies of ruling hapless victims you seem obsessed by, in the fullness of time such fantasies will prove wastes of time, because of the fact of power.

They cannot be subject to overlords much longer, and then our true nature as inventors, explorers, and good friends and neighbors will be fulfilled and endure forevermore. While the fate of incompetent parasites incapable of meeting their own needs, of joining as equals in free society, will be sad, it will not impede the grand and joyous adventure mankind will undertake. Abandon your impotent fantasies, and join the competent self-fulfilled men that will gain the universe as their possession.

You write of power, yet it seems that you do not quite understand the meaning of that concept. The only power that is of any consequence is the ability to inflict death amd destruction. If you think a collection of fragmented, leaderless, ignorant muck trusting in some miracle bauble can rebel against the power of the state to unleash hell, then I advise you to reconsider.

What you and your "free" men advocate is rebellion; in rebellion, the only quality that matters is the capacity to kill, while staring your opponent in his eyes, as he begs for mercy. Can your "free" men run over humans with tanks in the morning and then sit down for an afternoon tea? Can your freedom fighters fire weapons upon women and children and then settle down comfortably for an afternoon nap? Can your information warriors bayonet pregnant women and then enjoy a nice dinner? The humanist rebellious muck ought to be grateful that their mercantile masters and populist whores are loathed to unleash the state killers upon their rebellious heads.

There are no "hapless" victims. There are those who rule and those who serve. The fact of power difference between master and slave ought to restrain any rebellious thoughts and prattle of "freedom." The true nature of men is that they are born into class and status, within which limits men serve their society and community. The constant malcontent of humanism that delude men into reaching beyond their ken will be the doom of mankind.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Men do not "create," rather they borrow from already existing or "discover" aspects of the universe. Only in this mercantile dominated era will men acquiesce to claims of ideas being owned, stories being privatised, "rights" to music being possessed by a few men, or land being personal fiefdoms without any obligation towards community. The fact is that men have no "rights" to creation, since men do not create, but are granted previleges by those who can enforce their will. Such arrangements, also known as society or community, have operated since the beginning of human recollection. Yet, the humanists, in their hubris, claim that they conceptualised an arrangement superior to all the collective sum of human existence in the lunacy of anarchy and chaos.

What has the lunacy of humanism produced for the human race? Rampant consumerism destroying this planet? Sociocultural matrix based entirely on manufacturing useless and frivolous baubles? Social value system centered only on accumulating shiny thing that clink? The singular purpose of modern drones absorbing insipid entertainment? "Freedom," democracy, "human rights" have engendered the most self-destructive organised society in human history. The only quality of "freedom" is death, destruction, and misery.

The leash controlling the muck was loosened, not completely severed, and the result is our modern horrors and degeneration. Freedom is nothing more than carcinogen to the pre-cancerous growth that is the human race. Without control, the muck will devour this planet and each other. Freedom is a disease that must be cured from the human soul.

"The fact is that men have no "rights" to creation, since men do not create, but are granted previleges by those who can enforce their will. Such arrangements, also known as society or community, have operated since the beginning of human recollection. Yet, the humanists, in their hubris, claim that they conceptualised an arrangement superior to all the collective sum of human existence in the lunacy of anarchy and chaos."

Men do create. You just used your understanding to create that paragraph, and no one granted you the privilege. You just exercised your right.

Gangs of thugs are not the only form of community, despite they certainly seem to feature of late around here. Denying better societies or your rights doesn't make any sense to me, but you do you.

Your decisions aren't going to change physics, and that is going to change society as men wrest understanding of it from their ignorance.

When you cure freedom from humanity, you will have cured the world of humanity. Thank God you won't.