Panama: Power outages and cut water supplysteemCreated with Sketch.

in panama •  7 years ago 

One thing you have to get used to in Panama is the unsteady supply in energy and water. There's been a power outage every now and then. Sometimes after two days, then none for two months. Often enough I probably don't even realize when they happen as the country is pretty decently prepared for it. My router has a battery, I use a laptop and my house has generators that restore power supply withing 5-10 seconds. Several times I just relized there's no more power because of the tremendous noise of the generators.

The water is clean, but in the 10 months being here, this is at least the third time its supply is cut. Once for two days which turned out to be 4 days. While my house has its own tanks, in that four days even it ran dry. But you can prepare. Just get one or two 5 liters containers and you'll be fine.

2018-08-17 15.50.21.jpg

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Vielleicht ist regelmäßige Konfrontation mit solchen Ausfällen und die daraus resultierende Erfahrung im Umgang damit die bessere Wahl.

In der BRD herrscht der Glaube an die Allmacht der Versorger und des Staates ungebrochen vor und somit ist das Individuum, im Fall der Fälle auf sich selber gestellt, ziemlich hilflos.

Alleine solche behämmerten "Sicherheitsvorschriften", daß ich max. 20l Benzin im Haus lagern darf, verhindern eine wirksame Vorsorge mit einem Generator.
Wohl dem, der über Räumlichkeiten verfügt, die flexibel genug genutzt werden können. :)