Improving the coordination of executive function across the global population

in panarchy •  5 years ago  (edited)

The human capacity to trust, culturally, is due to the executive (ego) function, defined by Pribram in 1973, correlated with meme regulation since then by most people who study it, and defined as a meme-regulating system by Hoyle Leigh in 2010. Failure of executive control (ability to choose what to trust) causes a loss of the ability to regulate memes, and what psychiatric science has called “meme illness” (mental illness). The flaws in the coordination systems that mediate human trust, by government, is perfectly reflected in absence of what is called “mental health”, if measured across society, i.e., presence of "mental illness". The limitation is not primarily in executive function, it is in government. Computer-based government, like blockchains, will transcend those limitations, they are already doing so.

Note, the narrative of "mental illness" serves only as non-recognition of legitimate human reactions to coercion. It is just authoritarianism, master-mentality. The alternative to master-slave stratification is "eu-mentality", a society of equals, sovereign beings interacting by free will.


Pribram, K. H. (1973). The primate frontal cortex: Executive of the brain. In K. H. Pribram & A. R. Luria, Psychophysiology of the frontal lobes. Oxford, England: Academic Press.

Leigh, H., & Leigh, H. (2010). Genes, Memes, Culture, and Mental Illness. Springer NewYork.

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Great to see your post after such a long time