Brooke Conrad, The National Desk Tuesday, December 14th 2021: 'We do exist': Some Americans suffer life-changing COVID vaccine injuries
I have copied and archived this entire article. It is the kind of genuine journalism that seems to be extinct, certainly in mainstream national news in the USA and Canada. I hope people read it. Here is the last sentence:
Unlike people who contract COVID-19, Dressen says, people who suffer vaccine injuries often struggle to get help. “The government won’t help you. The drug companies won’t help you. Your medical teams will have no idea what to do with you. Financially you will be on your own,” she said. “You will be completely on your own.”
In the USA, as we Canadians are hyper aware of, the medical system ("system"? It's a system of some sort?) is private, owned and run by private companies. If you lose your job in the USA you lose your company medical insurance plan so your insurance rate goes up like a rocket and your personal finances go down like a stick. (I think that's the case. Do correct me if I'm wrong)
If you get the kind of health problems that make it impossible to work your company will wave you bye bye as cheaply as they can, especially since you have no money for gas let alone for suing your company. Your treatments will cost the ransom of a Saudi prince. Your home, your kids' futures, your life? POOF! You can't even hold down a retail counter clerk position in Walmart.
THAT'S the reason not to take ANY of these jabs. Americans ought to have this right in front of their minds.
We Canadians have our national health insurance and delivery system. It's just an insurance and delivery system no different than the US system except that it is managed by our federal government. This means, however, that for the bureaucrats who manage it the incentive is to break even, not to make profit. That chops off a considerable chunk of expense for everybody. This is not "free health care for all". We pay a monthly premium indexed to income so that when your income falls below poverty line your premiums are forgiven and when your income comes up to snuff your premiums are reasonable, at most a few hundred a year. That's how we can run the system with a few thousand managers and keep 35 million people in reasonable health for a bearable pubic expense. The system is still a cozy racket with Pharma companies in bed with hospital and clinic management but the average Canadian in medical trouble doesn't have to impoverish herself in order to get treatment.
SO FAR!! But beware my fellow Canadians, and beware our bureaucrats. A tsunami of expensive medical treatments for hundreds of thousands of the 80% of us who have (we are told) taken the jabs might break our system down. And then there are the increased cancers and neurological problems and heart problems increasing with each passing year and each new round of "boosters”. Oh! And the dead children, dead from the jabs not from Covid which is harmless to kids. And the permanently brain damaged and heart damaged kids. Very expensive all around. Dead children really inspire people to sue companies and make a very loud stink that politicians don’t want to hear. Police and media repression only goes so far. The democratic system and the peace and stability of our Canadian society looks so permanent now – hence the typical Canadian smug self-righteousness. But that’s always an illusion in this chaotic world of today and tomorrow.