We should reconsider rushing to vaccinate children and end mask mandates on them now!

in pandemic •  4 years ago 


The effects on children of wearing a mask have been found to be disastrous. The smaller the child the worse the concentration of CO2 in these kids. Within minutes the kids in one study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association were found to have blood CO2 levels twice as high as the danger level for adults in a work environment. Such adult workers should have no more than 10,000 units of CO2 in their blood over an 8 hour period. These kids have 25,000 units after minutes. I am supposing this concentration is so high because their much smaller bodies have half the blood volume for the CO2 to dissolve into, therefore their danger from excessive CO2 and O2 starvation is far more serious and immediate than it would be for a full grown adult.

Teachers Unions in the USA and Canada are responsible for demanding and getting mask mandates for children in elementary schools. I say they are criminally responsible. The BC Teachers Union should be sued. The leaders of this union are criminally responsible for endangering the lives of children. They need to be held accountable. The masks on children need to end right now!

And you parents who mask your little kids and who let your kids be masked in school? Your irresponsibility is unforgivable. You had a duty to find out the information that anyone with a decently functional computer can find out these days and you didn’t look. Shame on you.

But there is far far worse happening. The Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson experimental Covid vaccines have produced a disaster unprecedented in the 200 year long history of vaccinations.

The testimony here and before a US legislature of a mother who in good faith and trust allowed her 12 year old daughter to be given both injections of Pfizer’s experimental “vaccine” is heart rending. This previously healthy child was immediately disabled and her disability and excruciating pain has grown. She is one of many. The US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System officially reports that so far between January and now there have been reported 400,000 injuries related to the injection of the three brands of Covid “vaccines” and among these injuries there have been over 6000 deaths immediately or soon after these injections.

Over the three decades up until 2019 VAERS had reported a total of about 600 deaths from all vaccines combined. These are the FDA approved vaccines which are given by the millions every year to infants, teens and adults for everything from flu to measles to tetanus and more. In 1976 a flu vaccine program was cancelled after VAERS reported about 50 deaths among 45 million vaccinated.

The VAERS report of injuries following vaccinations has always been accepted in law and science as being bona fide vaccine-related. So it is absurd and disingenuous to say that these latest injury reports are not connected to these experimental so-called vaccines.

The US Vaccine adverse Event Reporting System is the official US government reporting system for vaccine-related injuries. VAERS is well known to under-report vaccine related injuries but VAERS must be accepted as the minimum official word on how many injuries there have been in half a year of the Covid vaccination program. The program in the USA and Canada, authorized because a State of Emergency was declared in March 2020 (and the State of Emergency was cancelled in BC as of July 1, 2021), was authorized not by Food and Drug Administration approval of these injections (Pfizer’s, Moderna’s and Johnson & Johnson’s experimental injections) but by these companies being given Emergency Use Authorization. At the very least almost half a million Americans have been gravely injured. Heart swelling, heart attacks, aortic tears, brain bleeds, paralysis, blood clots, early term miscarriages, nerve inflammation – all these and more have been extensively documented. Thousands of Americans have died. Our people must be suffering as well but our governments have not been honest about it.

These are facts. No one has any basis whatsoever in law or science to dispute the VAERS report of injuries and deaths related to these injections. The reports are damning. They must be accepted legally. These injections must be halted immediately.

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