For my part, I'm glad the United States didn't normalize full lockdowns. It's bad enough that we normalized masks in elementary schools and other such nonsense, but at least the voices clamoring for full draconian measures lost out. Because it was never two weeks to stop the spread. Even in China where the most extreme preventative measures were taken at the slightest hint of outbreak every time, they're still doing this. Two years isn't forever, but it's also not a short length of time to spend one's life without normal concerts or funerals or movie theaters or weddings. Years of wasted life and, for kids, two years is a huge portion of your ENTIRE life spent within a diminished standard of living.
I would pledge right now to not ridicule the Left if they would just let this go. Because, at this point, fear of ridicule has got to be the only reason they're doubling and tripling down on strict Covid policies. It's tough to admit you were wrong, particularly in a day and age when your political opponents are Trumpublican nationalists. But the deeper you dig this hole, the more difficult it will be for you to pull yourself out in the long run. Because the average American has moved on. Every day you entrench yourself further alienates the typical voter and diminishes your chances for winning elections.