No lockdowners, we shouldn't be like Australia.

in pandemic •  3 years ago 


A lot of lockdowners are literally saying that the USA should be doing what Australia has been doing - ya know, like bringing in a police helicopter because ten teenagers were partying on a beach, arresting the kids and issuing $1,000 fines. Ya know like literally banning protests. That's over three to four people dying of Covid per day.

Lockdowners have been asking for the last year and a half has been, "How many people are you willing to see die to preserve freedom?"

Okay, answer this question, "How much freedom are you willing to give up in order to prevent very few deaths?"

If you like the Australian approach to this, I assume that you would be defending it even if you were living in Australia, your answer has to be, "Lose all the freedom over something that's killing .006% of our population."

You have to know that that's neither sustainable nor moral and that you'll probably kill more people than you save. The number of people who are in serious danger of starving to death has risen by 20 million people since the lockdowns started.

There are a lot of problems here. One, the lockdowners become irate whenever anybody brings up the possiblity that we're doing more harm than good and insist that they're "following the science." Newsflash: it's not scientific to pick a path and refuse to listen to anybody who is suggesting that we're going the wrong way. This is a another clear case of scientism, "Science isn't just valuable, it's the only thing of value." Moreover, you're being myopic, "Not only is science the only thing that matters; but, this specific aspect of science is all that matters." Really, the attitudes that come with scientism tend to make people hostile, even dismissive, to other human values.

Finally, what's worst is that I think a lot of the radical lockdowners are so high on Australia because that's the world that they want to live in with or without the pandemic. This is where the millions of people who have been calling all cops "pigs" are simultaneously calling for a police state.

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