Bring Fun, and Put an End to the Pandemic in Your Life

in pandemic •  3 years ago 

My friend was on a group call with his buddies the other day, discussing how the quarantine has affected people's social lives.
The following was part of the conversation:

People who have been isolated for a long time become less social. Conversations become stale as a result of the lack of variation in the day-to-day activities.

I'm not sure how much of that applies to you, but it certainly applies to some aspects of my daily life. I admit that I occasionally opt to ignore my friends' messages and respond hours later, or even the next day.On the other hand, I was like this before the pandemic. Is it possible that I'm attempting to be a dooche? No, there are moments when I just want to be alone and not speak to anyone, in person or online.

But, in any case, my brother isn't the only one who has felt stale in their daily routine.

I was reading the transcript of an interview with a professional player when he commented,

“The pandemic has completely transformed my life; every day is the same, and you start to feel like a robot; there isn't any vibrancy in it.”

People are looking for ways to keep themselves occupied now more than ever. To keep themselves occupied.

However, there is a way you may assist, and it is...

You guessed it.
I'm sending them amusing emails.

Not only will you make them grin, laugh, or loathe you enough to write you an angry letter (depending on what you write), but they'll also want to get closer to you, engage with you, and eventually... purchase from you.

Not to mention that you'll enjoy writing the emails, Articles, which will provide you with some enjoyment.

What better way to work than to enjoy yourself while doing so?


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