Among those who tend to believe that the last 20 months have been just a brief commercial interruption and that we will soon be restored to our regularly scheduled programming, there often exists a parallel perception that there is only ONE reality out there and that we must all come to accept that fact and support it if we are to advance in it.
When I was a kid, I commenced a career in the theater that lasted 20+ years... and my assumption then was that over time and by virtue of mastering my craft, I would get to move on to more established theaters (which I did), and then maybe get to work off-Broadway (which I did) and then perhaps to Broadway (which I never did) after which you might have your own company and you would do your own work (did that several times and the most satisfying times they were) and you would (hopefully)be supported in doing that.
I’m sure the same general idea applies inside every profession where there exists the perception that there is a single reality as well as a single upward path which underscores it.
Lately, this has become a harder step to take for a lot of people... when confronted with the feeling that perhaps you no longer want to be a part of that same system or that you don’t really want such success - not if it’s framed in that way of the one reality, which almost always maps directly to the greatest financial reward.
For an increasing number of folks who seek to bring more truth and integrity into their lives and vocations, it is not necessarily the goal that they want to be pursuing.
If Covid has taught us anything, it’s the draconian control that money has in all common and conventional narratives that we allow to control our lives.
It sticks to us like glue and if we would escape it, we must separate ourselves from it as in a process of tearing away at the adhesive until we are finally free of it.
Once again, a tough job, but because it is important to us, it is worth the time to make the effort to get yourself in closer alignment with the life that you truly want for yourself, for your loved ones and for your fellow humans.
This is especially relevant since we’re not sure how much time we have to do that work… before such independent anti-lockstep activity becomes completely untenable and the restrictions put on us by the communitarian state too restrictive and inescapable to subvert or overcome.
I would imagine that many of the people who have recently lost their jobs due to their refusal to succumb to the “epstein” must be thinking quite hard about how they need to approach and advance their vocational choices moving forward.
In this brave effort, I fully extend my support. If you recall it is also a one of the Buddhist precepts… Right livelihood and right action. Anyway, some thing I was thinking about...