The phony "fact checkers" are completely politicized and run by the far left and monopoly capitalists. Ever notice how the "facts" always align perfectly with monopoly capitalist's interests (Big Pharma), their profits, and agendas? As Michael Rectenwald says:
"Corporate leftists aim is to abolish all but corporate monopolies and use the socialist left to help accomplish it... This explains woke capitalism, as well as the willy-nilly destruction of small businesses via the COVID-19 response and the riots."
And naive Leftists seeing lots of" free goodies", perfect for enticing them into total slavery, fall for it everytime. They've only thought this through half way, without realizing what's on the other side - no police (replaced with 5G enabled ubiquitous surveillance, AI facial recognition, social credit, and Boston Dynamic police robots). Mandatory vaccines on a regular basis, so no more freedom of what you decide gets put in your body.
A cashless society of divvied out "basic income" you desperately depend on since they destroyed all the jobs, so they can simply turn your digital money on and off automatically should you misbehave, dissent, or question them, resulting in your starvation and death. You'll be nothing more than cattle for slavery or slaughter. Mass genocide is the end goal. Depopulation. Too many people, pollution, carbon emissions, and waste for the "heaven on earth" utopia they want to create for themselves.
Imagine Earth as one big national park with just a few million people in it. Sounds like paradise doesn't it? That's their vision. That's their goal. They have the power and money to achieve this vision, so why wouldn't they try? But we can stop this. We already are. That's why their censorship is off the charts now. Their lies and gaslighting is being exposed every day. They're in full blown panic mode now.
The Rockefeller technology report was in 2010. Here’s the PDF of the whole report. The “Lock Step” scenario starts on page 18, exactly what’s going on this year.
It’s stunning how many people just cannot see what’s going on. Mass naïveté and the inability to recognize intra-species klepto predators is leading to the global enslavement of humanity.