The name of Chhattisgarh through Pandavani is celebrated by President Ramnath Kovind, the eminent folk artist of the country, Tijanbai, in a ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi on Friday with Padma Vibhushan. President Kovind and Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel have also congratulated Mrs Tejbhai on Padma Vibhushan. Giving information about Pandavani singer Tejnabai getting Padma Vibhushan, the President's official Twitter handle tweeted in Chhattisgarh. The President wrote the letter of Area Bar Dr. Tehenbai La India | President Kovind has given Padma Vibhushan. is . Dr. Tejnabai H Chattisgarhi culture L 'Pandavani's performance has brought the country - Hey, Jema | Prabhas lan singing of the Mahabharata, with the musical performances of the traditional instruments, can be brought alive. (President of India, Kevind has given Padma Vibhushan to Dr. Seasonbai for the art field.Dr. Tehenbai has conveyed Chhattisgarhi culture through the 'Pandwani' exhibition to the world, in which the events of Mahabharata sing, stage performances and traditional instruments Is made alive with the instruments.
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