Feeling accomplished about kiting my paraglider

in paragliding •  6 years ago 

Well, im still in my kiting phase, and I do have instructors/ mentors. Unfortunately, or schedules pretty much never align so we can meet up,( we have been able to train together once since march ) so for the most part im self training. I have been struggling with getting the wing to come up clean and even. Usually take 10 or more tries to get it overhead, and by that point im wore out. Im the type that can learn from a book almost as well as from visual/ practical experience. I ordered the PPG Bible V5, and read it cover to cover multiple times. Especially the reverse launch section since living on the coast, we almost always have winds for reverse launch. Today I went out and and had my most consistent day of kiting. It was as if things clicked, I got the wing up overhead multiple times first time, with out any trouble. This was the first day, I have kited and not been absolutely worn out in 15 minutes. I also managed to kite the wing cells down to empty the sand out of the cells. Sorry for the long, kinda rambly post. Im just feeling accomplished. — feeling accomplished.

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