Paramotoring in Ohtakari and Vattajanniemi by Conny Kurula

in paramotoring •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is Conny Kurula paramotoring at the tip of Cape Vattajanniemi, Lohtaja, Finland. Ohtakari is an island close to the northern tip of the cape connected to it by a causeway. On the eastern side of the cape is a bay in the middle of which is a chain of islands. I know this place very well because my late grandparents had a summer cottage in Ruohokari, an island in the middle of the chain. On the western side where the biggest sand dunes are there are military training grounds used by anti-aircraft artillery. Nowadays, Vattajaniemi is part of the city of Kokkola, the provincial capital of Cental Ostrobothnia.

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you should enjoy that....

This video is from a large scale air defense exercise in Vattajaniemi involving all three branches of the Defense Force.