Share a Chinese horror story every day(Absolutely wonderful)

in paranormal •  last month 

Scene 1: Index Finger
My friend raised his index finger mysteriously while smoking. "Look, everyone's index finger represents greed, because the desire to eat is the most basic and primitive desire of human beings. Do you know why it is called the index finger? Because the ancients said that once they saw delicious food, their index finger would jump. Isn't there an idiom called 'the index finger is very excited'? Now I will tell you a story about the index finger." As he said, he put out the cigarette and began to tell the story. "When I went to a small town in the southwest, I stayed in a family. There was an old man there. The old man was in good spirits. I chatted with him when I had nothing to do. I learned such a story from him. In the Republic of China, girls here had to have a good figure first, especially the waist, if they wanted to marry into a good family. It is said that some families have clear standard sizes, accurate to millimeters. The thinner the girl, the more beautiful they think she is, so the girls there are desperately dieting in order to have a soft figure.
Among them was a girl named Xiu. Since she realized that her lifelong happiness would be inversely proportional to her waistline, she stopped eating meat and pasta. But it seemed that fate liked to play tricks on people. Even if Xiu worked out from morning to night and only ate a little fruit, she would still gain weight. Those skinny girls laughed at Xiu from behind, and her family sighed. Because Xiu was getting fatter and fatter, let alone marrying a good family, I'm afraid even the poorest family in the area, Lao Si, would not want her.
Lao Si's son, Min, was Xiu's childhood sweetheart. In fact, he was handsome, but his family was poor and his clothes were very shabby, but very clean, both in person and in clothes. Xiu's father mentioned this to Lao Si, and Lao Si and his son agreed without thinking. As a result, the tedious procedures of proposing marriage, offering marriage proposals, replying letters, and the wedding banquet were completed within one day, which was also a record at the time. Although Xiu was full of resentment, she had no choice. Who said she had a bad fate. If she doesn't get married soon, even the people will look down on her in a few years. Besides, her husband is so obedient and loving to her that she will just get by.
Things often happen so coincidentally, perhaps because of Feng Shui, or perhaps because of mood. After Xiu married into the fourth family, she became thinner and thinner, and finally became a famous thin beauty in the local area. Unfortunately, she was already married. But many people still wanted to take advantage of her. Xiu herself became restless. Xiu stopped doing housework and chatted and went shopping with some friends every day, or visited wealthy families. She didn't look like a daughter-in-law of a poor family. It seemed that it was all caused by being thin. Min knew that only when Xiu got fat again would she feel at ease to stay in this family. Not long after, Xiu really got fat again, and everything seemed to be back to the past. She became a peasant woman again. She resented the manipulation of fate. Only Min laughed secretly. On the surface, he complained to her and comforted her.
More than ten years passed in a flash. Xiu also gave birth to several children. She was no longer dreaming. She lived with Min at ease. Until their daughter Yue'er grew up. Yue'er was born very beautiful and absorbed the advantages of her parents. But it seems that she has always been in a state of neither fat nor thin. She even gets plumper sometimes. In fact, according to today's standards, she is not fat at all. But Xiu doesn't want her daughter to repeat her own mistakes. She started to control Yue'er's diet very early. But the effect is not very great. Seeing that Yue'er is almost sixteen years old. But her waist is fatter than that of girls of the same age. Xiu is anxious and can't sleep every day. Seeing his wife's dark circles from working every day. Min finally couldn't help it. He thought that time had diluted everything. It didn't matter to tell his wife at this time.
That day, the two of them were lying in bed, and Xiu still tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. Min turned her body over. He said seriously: "Do you know why you suddenly lost weight when you got married?" Xiu shook her head strangely, and then asked: "Why?" "That's because of me. Although our family is poor, we know a way to make people thinner. But the ancestors said that it is a forbidden technique. If you use it too much and don't control it well, you will get retribution, but you don't know what the retribution is. I cast this spell on you after you came home, and then I removed it when you wanted to leave, so you became fat again.’ Min said sadly. Xiu was no longer in the age of getting angry. In fact, she had long thought that her sudden weight gain might be caused by her husband, but she was curious when she heard such a strange word. ‘Forget it, it’s all in the past, I don’t blame you, but you can’t delay Yue’er, I want her to marry a good family! Tell me quickly!’
Min looked at his anxious wife, hesitant to speak. Finally, he raised his index finger and said to Xiu: "It's a finger." "Finger? What does it mean?" Xiu asked curiously. Min told Xiu that according to legend, hundreds of years ago, his ancestors kindly took in a beggar during a famine. It is said that this beggar was not a mortal, but a Maoshan sorcerer who traveled among the people, but pretended to be a beggar to see the kindness of the people. He saw that Min's ancestors were kind-hearted. He taught some magic to Min's ancestors. Later, it was passed down from generation to generation, and most of them have been lost, only this method of losing weight has been preserved. As for this magic, Min told Xiu, in fact, you only need to swallow the nail of your index finger (the story requires it, do not imitate it). But this magic can only last for a few years at most. And the degree of weight loss that each person can lose is limited. If you use it too much, it is said that something terrible will happen in the end. Since it is just to lose weight, Min's family rarely uses it, but Min's father still taught Min to use it.
Not long after, Yue'er really lost weight and became the most beautiful and energetic girl in the area. The neighbors praised Min and Xiu for raising such a good daughter, who would definitely marry into a good family. It happened that the largest local rich family was looking for a daughter-in-law. Xiu of course let her daughter try. Unfortunately, she was just a little short. The rich man said that if no one was qualified in a week, he would go to other places to find one. Xiu wanted his daughter to marry into the family. So he forced Min to cast a spell again. "If you still want Yue'er to lose weight, you will pay for more than just nails." Min said worriedly. Xiu was silent for a long time, and finally insisted that Yue'er must marry into that rich family. Min asked his daughter's opinion. Yue'er naturally wanted her mother to be happy and the family to get rid of poverty, so she agreed. Min said, "But there are only two of us. But this time, Yue'er must eat her index finger!" So Yue'er just gritted her teeth and chopped off her index finger and ate it. Sure enough, the next day Yue'er became noticeably thinner again. As soon as the wound on her hand healed, she went to the rich man's house. The rich man was worried, but he was overjoyed when he saw Yue'er. The marriage was quickly settled. Min and Xiu also lived a wealthy life with the money of the rich man's family. Not long after, Yue'er became pregnant and gave birth to a son. It seemed to be a good thing. But soon Yue'er's body swelled up like a balloon. It was out of control. The husband's family was puzzled by Yue'er's sudden weight gain. They told Min and Xiu about it and said that if Yue'er continued to gain weight, they decided to divorce her. Xiu cried and asked Min, and Min thought hard for a long time. He consulted some books. Finally, he knew that the large amount of blood loss during childbirth would break the spell. Min grabbed his head, looked at his daughter and wife who were crying like tears, and finally said with difficulty; "This spell can still be done again." But I don't know what the consequences will be, because even our ancestors have never cast spells like this again and again. They have repeatedly warned their descendants that using spells too much will be punished by God. 'Min finally agreed to cast the spell for the last time.
This time, it was not Yue'er's finger that was needed, but the index fingers of Min and Xiu, so Yue'er swallowed the index fingers cut off by her parents. It seemed that everything went well. The next morning, Yue'er regained her pre-marriage figure, like a young girl. The couple then sent Yue'er back to her father-in-law's house with peace of mind. The husband and others were also shocked when they saw her, but since she became thinner, it was naturally a good thing, so they went back with a smile. Min and Xiu also went home to recuperate. But late at night the next day. Just as Min and Xiu were sleeping soundly, the in-laws suddenly sent someone to report the death and asked Min and Xiu to come quickly. It turned out that Yue'er died suddenly that night.
Xiu fainted on the spot when he heard it. Min had to go alone to identify the body. Along the way, Min's mind was blank. It was really hard for him to accept that his daughter was gone like this. But when he saw his daughter's body, he almost fainted. Yue'er looked like she had been bitten by an animal. There was not a single piece of good flesh on her body. She was almost like a skeleton. The nearly two-meter distance from the bed to the ground was all traces of Yue'er's dragging. Blood and broken meat were scattered everywhere. Yue'er held her head high and stretched her hand out to the door. It was estimated that she had fallen off the bed and wanted to open the door, but she died after crawling a few meters. She must have suffered a lot before her death. Min couldn't understand it. Is this the so-called retribution? Looking at his daughter's body, he sat on the ground and burst into tears.
The rich man gave Min and Xiu a large sum of money to let them leave here. Unfortunately, Xiu blamed herself after knowing her daughter's tragic death, and later committed suicide. Min also disappeared.
It is said that Maoshan magic itself is a kind of magic to exorcise ghosts and transfer. But all magic always has a self-destructive side. Min repeatedly performed magic and finally suffered retribution, but unfortunately it was still retribution on his family. As for Yue'er's tragic death. It was actually the backlash of magic. In Buddhism, there is a kind of ghost in the six realms called starving ghosts. They are very small, like ants, but there are many of them. They are hungry when they are alive, and they will eat everything after they die. The index finger is a symbol of human appetite. Eating your index finger is actually a contract with the starving ghost. They will help you eat the nasty fat and fat you don't want. But once the contract is out of control or excessive, they will swallow you whole. "
When my friend said this, he leaned over and whispered to me: "When I finished listening to the story told by this old man, I couldn't help but stroke my own index finger. I thought, can I really lose weight by eating my index finger? Just when I was wondering, the old man smiled and got up and left. I noticed that he only had four fingers on one hand, but the index finger was missing. Later, I asked around, and the people around said that they didn't know the old man. They said that the old man seemed to have come after liberation, and everyone called him
Min. "

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