Chaos at Dawn

in paranormal •  last year 


Chaos at Dawn

It was the last class of the day and the children were very happy because they had each brought their science projects for the next day's exhibition.

There was the boy with a diorama that was very nice, it presented a waterfall with forest animals. There was another project that was a model of what a computer was. There was a poster of the human body showing each of its parts, with the brain, the intestines, the reproductive system. There were several collages where the photos of relatives, siblings, parents were expressed, and there was the most beautiful project of all, which was a volcano made of plasticine that spewed lava. A very colorful and very large project that was occupying, let's say, the back part of the room.

The children had presented their projects with the teacher and the teacher had arranged them to display at the school fair. Each one had a specific position within their room.

Night came, the children all went home to sleep. As expected, the place was amazingly quiet for a while.

A couple of hours passed and suddenly things started to change.

The volcano began to come to life and he realized that it was alive because lava began to flow through it. Little clouds of plasticine ash began to come out around her and she realized that the rest of the projects were beginning to come to life.

He saw how the model with the animals began to run, the deer and the stags, inside the model, and the model began to come to life. He saw how the poster of the human body began to move all its organs and all the projects began to come to life. He saw how the different dioramas and the collages of the parents and all of that started to come alive and started to move.

The projects were all animated and began to talk to each other.

The volcano came up with the idea and told everyone else, 'Let's rule this school overnight. This school has to be ours. This is our territory and we are going to rule it', followed by the poster of the human body, which said: 'Yes, we will rule this school and it will be ours.

All my organs are ready to help', supported by the cheers of the models and dioramas.

But the first step they wanted to take or take to take over the school was to take over the school canteen.

So all the projects began to move, walking from the classroom to go to the school canteen.

But they soon realized that the school was watching them. The closed-circuit cameras were activated and immediately focused on where each of the projects were. The volcano realized that it was being watched because on the closed-circuit camera it immediately focused and made a sound towards it.

The school immediately began moving the teacher's furniture from the staff room to block their access to the exit door. The desks kept trying to move, while the diorama with its squadron of deer prevented all the desks from moving.

The poster of the human body began to throw its intestines that were coming out from the poster to prevent the shelves from moving and interrupting the passage. And the volcano made an explosion of lava that managed to open the door, thus opening the way for them and allowing all the projects to go through to take over the canteen.

The volcano then poured lava over the gate to prevent the gate from closing and thus prevent the school from blocking their way. All their plasticine lava was blocking the door and making it possible for them to get to the different places and to get to the canteen to take the school.

In their attempt to stop them from taking over the canteen and from being able to rule and take over it, the school began to abruptly turn the light on and off.

The projects were disoriented because they didn't know what was going on and they were scared, so they immediately started looking to hide. The lava volcano hid where the cleaning room was. The poster of the human body immediately went to the basement and the others, like the diorama and the collages, were hidden in the lockers that were in the main corridor.

The school started making abrupt noises and banging on all the doors, everything went crazy.

The janitor, who was the watchman who stayed the night, was very surprised and stood up in amazement. He ran out of his room yelling that there were paranormal phenomena and that there was a poltergeist inside the school.

Little by little, the projects managed to regroup and head to the canteen part.

The volcano, being very brave, was the one who led this whole riot, throwing plasticine lava rocks around and blocking the light switches so the school wouldn't turn the buttons on and off. Thus, through everyone's teamwork, they managed to take over the canteen.

But it was already late at night and it began to dawn.

So the projects quickly returned to their original form and returned to their original state where they were. Because at dawn all the magic ended and they had to start all over again when nightfall came, to the same process.

So day after day this type of paranormal events was repeated until they realized that each of these projects had to accept their role that they were only school projects and that they could not manage to take over the school.

Also, some paranormal investigators visited the school and couldn't figure out what was going on.

The projects decided to just sit back and take on their role as school projects.

So this is my five minute write up for today.

I hope you enjoyed it and entertained yourself with this beautiful idea that I came up with.

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