Death (The Tale of the Three Brothers)

in paranormal •  7 years ago 

The Tale of the Three Brothers explains that three very skilled brothers in magic built a bridge in a river to get through, but that death was furious and that travelers were drowning in the river. The death was very cunning, which congratulated them and granted a wish to each one. The older brother, who longed for power, asked for the most powerful wand of all, and death took a piece from the branch of an elderberry near the river. The medium, who liked the father of others, wanted to humiliate death more, and asked for a stone with which to resuscitate the dead, and death gave him one of the stones of the river. And the youngest, who was humble and the most sensible, the one who had something to go with the death was still, he did not trust her, and death, reluctantly, gave him a piece of his own cloak of invisibility.

The three brothers followed separate paths. The eldest challenged magicians in inns to gloat over his power, but one night, a man snatched his wand, and just in case, killed him, and so death took him away. The medium returned to his house and resurrected his beloved, but it became cold and did not belong to the world of mortals, the boy hanged himself to join his beloved, and so death took him. Death looked for little brother everywhere but could not find him. Only when the younger brother reached a very old age, he took off by the invisibility cloak and gave it to his son, he received death as an old friend and as equals, both, he moved away from life.

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