My dad bought a old house from a hindus advocate . Its age about 100 + age , actually it was landlords house , it was hand over by many pupils .There are many bamboo garden around the house . There was a pond and also a kali temple . One morning about 6.00 am I was going to toilet , the toilet was beside the bamboo garden , since it was a morning there were no people available .All one a sudden I notice just a had staring at me with no body from under the toilet door . That scene is still clear in my eyes . The eyes were small but bloody. The eyebrows was dark black. The hair was very curly and short .The most terrifying thing was that his tongue stuck out . I was so scared to see him and screamed so loudly that the incident was narrated, Narrating the incident ,the blood froze again. The incident that happened to me is a very real incident . whether someone believes it or not, I can distrust myself hearing my screams the strange head whirled against the nearby bamboos mingling with the wind like a whirlwind coming here, I cant write anymore because that horrible memory is making my heart week again. Anyway still narrating the incident for you . I screamed so loud that the entire area screamed so everyone in the area came running . My brothers immediately searched the nearby bamboo garden , but they couldn't find anyone anywhere and I never seen such a strange person anywhere . Actually I wasn't sure what is was later when paranormal things started happening to me again and again I'm sure actually a who's who gene . Afraid that writing about it will cause me any problems again still writing boldly Trust in ALLAH. From then on whenever I slept alone I would dream of these strange things and I would stop breathing until I recited Kalema and I couldn't catch my breath I woke up. Thus my lite is becoming unbearable . It I slept alone for five minutes . It would immediately come to my dreams . I used to be very nervous before going to be sleep .When It started with me I was in class eight since then the problem increased day by day and the same dream and same incident happend till 8 years. The summary of almost every dream was that the room It was on downstairs there is treasure. Then I went to various kaviraj's who knew no one but all said the same thing ,that house had been havily altered by the landlords but he would have sold It after a few days . Every kabiraji that the house has hidden treasure ,the current market value of which is billion of dollar . There are four genies who guard them , And they like me , so they appear me again and again in my dreams, to get the treasure. But if I go to rescue It in reality ; I am in danger of losing my life . One day my mother and elder sister saw a big snake of a rare and dangerous species entering the place. And the floor the room was cracked . They were in front of my father one day. A straight white panjabi hat with a long beard comes forward and says , but we didn't dare . Something similar is abnormal with my other siblings too. Which can't really be written down. Finally we decided to sell the house and so we finally did .
''But that dream still haunts me''