I could have died? Saved by a guardian angel or?

in paranormal •  7 years ago 


Yes, just as the title says! I COULD have died that day, but as you can probably guess, I'm still here!

How? Well.. something weird happened to me today that I MUST share with you.

I was walking home from town, nothing out of the ordinary when I was going to cross the road, silly me though! Because I decided to cross the road in between a parked caravan and a park car so I couldn't really see the road both ways.

I proceeded to cross the road when a whisper (inside of my head weirdly!) told me "Not yet"

It made me stop in my tracks, I thought it was my imagination, but then a car came speeding past! Surely if I crossed when I was going to, I would have been hit and possibly killed by the speed it was going.

This isn't the first time my life was saved in this stretch of road.. Wonder who or what it was?


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The mind actually run's its own internal monologue all the time, most people experience it all the time, its like when you sit down to write something and you don't "hear" the words spoken out in you're mind, but at the same time you do have an understanding of how it will sound as you are speaking it.

The same takes place at an abstract level also as we go about our day, at times when you are thinking what you are doing, you may sometimes "call and response" your own thoughts.

Its a psychological and neurological process.

We "checksum" our own actions all the time, as i approach the traffic lights and wait for the pedestrian crossing signal to change, i look both ways, and i am asking myself a sub-conscious question "is it safe to cross the road" while most times, the whole matter will pan out no latent soft response, in others, it may come back with that same sense of inner monologue, without any clear sound however, as there never is, with an internal monologue.

In most cases, the only clinically documented accounts of a distinct, internal voices, where there is a genuine auditory presence can be seen in cases of Schizophrenia, of which at large, we still know very little.

Whats interesting, is that while some Schizophrenic's will overwhelmingly report bad voices, there actually is a small percentage of them that will report hearing, good voices.

Now i am not saying you are a Schizophrenic, not at all, so take no offence, however simply mentioning that as if it is that we all do have an internal monologue, and our sub-conscious can often have its own latent chatter happening all the time that we never perceive in our active conscious, and we can recognize through studies of schizophrenia there are neurological pathways that can and do develop to create distinct auditory voices in ones mind, to whatever end,

Is it, then possible, that such pathway could occur naturally, resulting in an individual internally hearing a auditory response to what would be considered a "sub-conscious" monologue, in such a scenario.

I would like to think yes, but there is much more scientific research to be done on the topic.

Or, its your Guardian Angel :) You decide.

If your in the mood for something a bit out of the ordinary, check out my latest post on The Man from Taured if you get a chance.

Thank you x

Sorry to keep posting about my experiences but I had an experience where I heard a voice, the voice was heard in my left ear, the voice said " Name? Make? Model? Type?" . If you could imagine a sergeant major barking orders, well that was the manner of the voice I heard. I have no explanation. Thanks for posting. :-)

I know what you mean! I had that too in the left ear but also it's like inside your head almost right? x Very weird x Thanks for sharing

Yes, you nailed it, the voice was in my left ear but it was like it was in my head, very well put. Research "voice to skull technology" . I'm not saying this is the reason why we both heard voices but it's an interesting topic all the same.

it is interesting x the most interesting one was when I was crossing the road and almost got ran over by a car, I didn't because a voice inside of my head told me not to cross at that time, it was weird x I've written a blog entry here about it x

Yep, just read it, good stuff. I find these things so fascinating . :-)

I found a short one I could fit in before work. :D

I'm glad I did too because I had a similar thing happen when driving. I had pulled into the intersection waiting for my clearance to turn left.

I got it and was about to go when I got a strange but strong feeling not to move.

A kid ran his light and smashed into the drivers side of my engine. He most likely would have hit the drivers door had I went.