The message that can change the world

in paranormal •  7 years ago 

In his conferences, besides information on conspiracy or Illuminati, the english writer David Icke emphasizes a certain idea. He states (and I agree with him) that the great secret of the Universe and the one that will take mankind out of the darkness is the following: we are infinite and immortal Consciousness. That means each of us. Despite beeing humans, aliens, animals in the end we all are infinite and immortal Consciousness. The life we ​​currently live with our name, family, country, or planet is just a simple experience. It is an experience that infinite consciousness experiences to evolve spiritually.

The interesting part comes next ... We are all the same Infinite Consciousness but Experimenting Reality from Several Perspectives. Those perspectives can be called Cristiano Ronaldo, Barack Obama, an angry reptilian towards humanity, or the girl that sells flowers at the market. But regardless of the prospect from which we experience reality, we are the same Consciousness. So if we do any harm to a person in the end we do harm to ourselves because we are the same Consciousness, the same One. And all the evil things we do will turn against us, not in this life but in one of the future lives.The Illuminati (the archons) have structured the society on the idea of ​​separation, division so we forgot that we are all the same One. In fact, the Illuminati are the same One, but they have forgotten that too. The sad truth is that we have come to a bizarre situation:Infinite Consiousness fighting and competing with itself.Death does not exist . After the so-called death, consciousness re-enters into another body to experience another life. Not necessarily man, but also an alien or even an animal. Those who have committed evil deeds will experience tough lives on planets with rough conditions. So they will feel the consequences of their deeds and they will learn the lesson they need to learn. But death and total disappearance does not exist as the atheists think. It is just the beginning of a new experience and nothing else.

More and more scientists resemble reality to a computer game .A complex one. To advance through the levels of this game, consciousness has to learn some lessons. While some haven't advanced through the levels of the game for some ,others have finished the game several times. Earth in the third dimension is one level of this game where less spiritually evolved beeings have to learn some lessons to move on. But this is only a game ... It seems extremely real but it remains a game. We choose what to do and we suffer the consequences of our deeds.

By becoming aware that we are Infinite Consciousness, our whole life changes dramatically and we realize that we are no longer so small and weak. If we go further and realize that we are all One, our feelings towards others will change. From division we will go to love (unity with infinite consciousness). But it remains at our discretion what we will choose.

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