Such a possibly unique name or title for probably a new field of study could be considered as pseudoscience, nonsense or even a scam however it has finally come out. "Paraphilosophy" is now a book. It could be called a booklet, a treatise or a paper but it now exists for examination and critical analysis. What Paraphilosophy claims to achieve is the actual evolvement of human analysis.
Paraphilosophy could indeed optimize and widen the scope of how we look at things and process problems answering even the unanswerable questions and puzzles. Some have reckoned it as "Fuzzy logic" already at works for programming and computations. Fuzzy logic itself is the continuation of "Multi valued logic" or "Many Valued logic".
In accordance with the mentioned philosophies and concepts comes paraphilosophy. Paraphilosophy with its characteristics and approach, if any while many, could be reckoned as similar, somewhat similar or different and or completely different.
There are other aspects to paraphilosophy that could be genuine and unique. Paraphilosophy has defined paradoxes; In fact, paradoxes form the principal core of paraphilosophy. It could be said that a paraphilosopher or anyone who has been able to come to terms with this way of thinking could resemble more like a multidimensional human being or person.
Paraphilosophy could actually form the characteristics of artificial intelligence and humanoid robots. However human beings with paraphilosophical views and perspectives could prove a giant leap or a major step in the evolution of human thought that could also be termed as a grand enlightenment.
Paraphilosophy could also be a breeding ground for future generations of open minded intellectuals. The essential factor of paraphilosophy is open mindedness that could include close mindedness as well. Everything could be considered together with something and even nothing.
It is about looking at the big picture, the little one and also the ones in between. All this at the same time. One could wonder how could this be possible!? Considering that paraphilosophy considers all possibilities, at least all that could be thought of, then possibly it could be possible.
The important realization of paraphilosophy is thinking all and the sense of freedom and unboundedness at the same time. With paraphilosophy it is possible to make analysis either objectively or subjectively or using both perspectives. It could be said that a subjective treatise could be as correct as an objective one or vice versa.
Has paraphilosophy encompassed philosophy? could all philosophies form paraphilosophy? It appears and should be so. Paraphilosophy could be a gigantic transformation and development for human consciousness.
Actually paraphilosophy like everything else or at least something and probably like nothing else could have been in existence eternally. Paraphilosophy could be the grand majestic scope together with the enormous overall liberation in accordance and harmony with the individual freedom yet it could be the exact opposite as well or somewhat a bit of this and that too.
Paraphilosophy maybe could help human mind to come to terms with the complexities of paradoxes and realize the essence of such paradigms as a higher more complete truth.
Paraphilosophy processes paradoxes as a makeup or rather a structure of all there is and everything or meaning under discussion. For that paraphilosophy needs to be defined and understood. It is there to be analyzed, criticized, discussed, rejected and possibly overturned probably by itself.