" Einstein." (Most number of countable features of any pareidolia / apaurusheya).

in pareidolia •  7 years ago  (edited)

" Einstein " cropped from very small section of full frame.

A rare gust of wind moved in to create this most complex examle of pareidolia ever recorded. Shown are 1.Hair 2.Forehead 3.Right eyebrow 4.Left eyebrow 5.Area under right eyebrow but above eyelid. 6. Area under left eyebrow but above lid. 7.Upper right lid. 8.Upper left lid. 9.Right eye lashes(upper). 10 Orbital bone (pronounced) lefteye. 11 Right sclera (white of eye). 12. Left sclera. 13. Right iris. 14. Left iris. 15.Right pupil. 16.Reflection in center of pupil (right eye). 17.caruncle (right eye) proximal bump lay people often erroneously call tear duct. 18. right eye lashes (lower). 19. right lower eyelid. 20. shading upper right eyelid. 21. shading upper left eyelid. 22.lower left eyelid. 23. nose. 24. right cheek. 25.left cheek. 26. Prominent left orbital bone. 27. skin area between nose and upper lip. 28. upper lip. 29.mouth opening. 30.lower lip. 31.chin. 32.neck. 33.Adams apple. 34.left shoulder. 35. right shoulder. 36. PhiltrumEinstein 2 001.jpg

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