Our Children will Inherit the World

in parent •  9 years ago  (edited)

Being a single mother of five is no cake walk. Every day you wake up with renewed hope that today will be less stressful and "easier": It never is but it is always rewarding. Love keeps you going. Love is strength. Seeing them healthy and educated with the right information and not indoctrination.

This world has become a complicated mess so how does one parent raise 5 wonderful Individuals to be able to succeed and live freely in this society? Daily, I am plagued with how to get them ahead, how do I become successful at what I am passionate about to build something to pass to them? It's not about having them carry on with what I love but a structure to fall back on and generate a continuous flow of phony fiat currency because right now that is how our trade system functions. If I can give them the foundation of consisent "money", it will help them to be able to find/use their voice, follow their passions, live without fear, without restrictions.... LIVE.

Changes with in myself are important in setting a positive example. Teaching the truth of how things work. Encouraging questions and critical thinking. Home schooling with traditional course work instead of government indoctrination and environmentalism bullsh** (granted there is a bible base to traditional, we don't folllow religion but use the book of books as a tool in comprehension). Explaining how the weather really works and what haarp is. Showing them the truth of the political circus and who the real enemies against humanity are. Show the facts about the UN and the world goverment take over under the guise of Agenda 21/2030.

Our children are next in line to inherit this world and we as parents have a responsibility to educate them in truth. If we don't have the control over our children, the government does. I had to make a choice and find a way to be home and make my phony fiat to support them. It has already been a frustrating transition in just one day having left a big corporation. It is a learning experience I wouldn't change it for the world but that is another story.

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Please break up your writing into paragraphs, titles, etc. It's difficult for people to read as one massively long paragraph.

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