Unfortunately, there are people who still cherish the belief that the boy is worth more. There are even extreme cases that make tests for early sex determination so that if they do not like the result, the sex of the child, they can "get off" as soon as possible.
Today everyone has the right to be parents, even primitive people who think sex and gender are more important than health, love and acceptance. This is the beginning of toxic parenthood.
It can often happen that parents eventually discover they have a trans child. This can affect them in different ways. Unfortunately, parents often reject their child, do not provide him with any support, and even mental and physical violence against the child occurs.
Let me ask you, is this a reason to reject your child? Stop loving him? Don't you support it? Is what people say more important than your child? Are your prejudices stronger than your love for your child?
It is an integral part of transgender or intersex life, not something to be ashamed or given up. Such children and people have the right to have their own lives. Support them and show them love.