📣 Parenthood 401

in parenting •  7 years ago  (edited)

Parenting 101

Read this post and you will become a super parent!!!

Just kidding....

I don't have any sort of magical solution. It has been a rough couple of days with these little humans of mine. In the end, we all just apologize, remind each other that we love one another and move on.

Parenting means anticipating every need....before it develops.

Meltdowns, insults and fistfights.....Oh My!

Took 3 of my little dudes shoe shopping yesterday right after school. We had a "hangry" fueled adventure.

Hangry : bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger.

Sleepiness may have played a role here as well.

I always have snacks in my car, because I have 4 hungry little dudes and we spend a ton of time in the car. We didn't take my car though, because my dad drove. No one alerted me to the fact that they were hungry, I was apparently just suppose to "know". Moms are suppose to be all knowing super creatures. I missed that memo. I did feed them granola bars, but maybe they needed a burger. It only became apparent after the fact, that sleepiness and hunger were the likely culprits for the wearing of naughty pants.

The ride home was peaceful, after the complete and total breakdown by everyone.....adults included. Then we got home, and Lewis and Mason got into a brawl. They were punching, wrestling, and Mason even slapped Lewis across the face. Dustin (my dude, their dad) assured me it was fine, I walked away and went inside. I don't want to watch 2 people who I love endlessly....try to hurt one another. In the end no one got hurt badly and they are currently sleeping in the same bed together.

Remembering you love one another at the end of the day is uber important.

My dad called today and apologized to all the kids, I've reminded them I loved them no less than 10 times since then.

Fast forward to today...

My Liam, this boy keeps me on my toes. He has anxiety and he is highly intelligent. These both set him apart from his peers. He is socially awkward, and strong willed. I get a call from the teacher today, he wouldn't participate in this activity and now he is refusing to go to gym. I simply went and got him, that was my solution I offered months ago, if my kid is having a rough time, rather than make everyone have a rough time (my kid included for sure, I don't want him to be struggling due to things he can't completely control), just call me. I didn't punish him and I will never take him so that Doctors can label him and try to medicate him. I rather like him the way that he is. We are all quirky in our own way, and I am not going to punish him for feeling anxious.

3 hours later....

Michigan.....if you don't like the weather ...wait 5 minutes it will change.-source unknown

I took Lewis and Mason to their baseball game. It was gorgeous outside, but it was a bit windy. Then out of nowhere it was super cold. Lewis went into insta-meltdown mode. He was cold and I didn't anticipate that he would be. "You should have brought me a sweatshirt" "You should have known it was going to be cold". I didn't know....I wished I had known, I was cold too.

Total meltdown, crying raising his voice,

Lewis: "This is why I don't even like you" Me shocked : "You don't?!?!?!"

This is when I was carrying my crying 75 pound 8 year old to the car, where it was warm and there were no people secretly judging the mom who was at her wits end. Little shit locked me out of the car when I went back to retrieve my purse/chair off the ground. I was already so mad. Now I am not going to get all preachy and judgy here, I don't hit my kids, they rarely have gotten spanked....I don't care if you do, but I don't. In that moment however, mama was feeling rage. This is part of the reason I don't spank, if I get to the point where my kids may "need" that type of punishment, I shouldn't be putting my hands on anyone.....period.

I was able to shake the situation off pretty easily, and luckily so was Lewis.

In that moment though.... it made me feel like a failure. Feeling like a failure is devastating. I do not have all the answers, most days I feel like I don't even have any of them. I hope that they know I try, I try every single day, every single decision I make is in the best interest of my family. My kids are my entire everything, I hope they always know that.

In the meantime...... I will continue reminding them.

Thanks for stopping by, your continued support is appreciated.

Much Love,


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Thanks for being a good parent and being involved in your kid's lifes and upbringing. To many "parents" these days practice parenting 404 - parent not found. So instead the kids are raised by the school and then we wonder why society is so screwed up.

I can totally relate. We keep snacks in the car too, btw. It's the only way to avoid feeding them junk every time we're out. I just posted a video podcast about peaceful parenting and unschooling, with Dayna Martin, so I figured I'd look on here to see if others are writing about parenting too. Cool!

I think you'll like our podcast episode. You can see/hear it here, if you want: https://steemit.com/peacefulparenting/@arevolution/dayna-martin-peaceful-parenting-and-radical-unschooling-or-ep-10

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

KK! First of all, you deserve the hugest hug of them all. I'm with ya. I only am or need to deal with my 4yr old little human and it isn't the happiest of roads all day long. I can't imagine what it will feel like when he doubles his age. Especially when he then will have a 5 yrs old little brother always looking up to him. I just hope to always keep in mind your thoughts, which I share completely and understandably.

We get on our nerves not easily, but often. I recently read somewhere that it's amazing and unbelievable how a tiny kid can have the biggest of souls, which also translates into the broader attitude that may arise at any moment. Our children are our little strong clones as well, full of feelings and raw emotional power.

I can't help to feel like you're too damn great. It's ok to feel like this sometimes, because even though we don't want to, it makes you think twice about things and proves how much do you care about your family. I can't express at all how I feel right now, but they are all happy thoughts. I feel incredibly lucky for reading this today. You've reminded me to be kind, towards my family; my mom, my dad and my children. To anyone as a matter of fact. Thank you for your words, you made another person very happy today... and I'm sure I'm not going to be the only one. Thank you!

I really parenting in general isnt easy, and especially with 4 guys there it sometimes could be living hell.

I loved that you are so involved and what @bushkill also says: you are trying to make an effort on actually raising them, instead of letting the school do so.

Nevertheless I instantly believe that it is sometimes horror when everybody goes into terrorist mode. You dont get guarantees on sweet kids forever when you sign the contract on them ;)

Congratulation krazykrista! Your post has appeared on the hot page after 14min with 3 votes.

It takes a whole lot to be a mother because they pass through a lot daily. From home, taking care of the kids and work. Trying to get the best of things for the kid. Mothers should be celebrated everyday.

With time, he will understand everything you did was for their best interest. Real mothers always make the right decision for their kids