RE: Should children have smartphones or have access to them?

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Should children have smartphones or have access to them?

in parenting •  5 years ago 

My kids have had tablets since they were young. No delays anywhere (except in the one that has adhd/autism, but that was always there and I just didn't notice til he was 6 and couldn't manage things his older siblings could manage at the same age, but at that stage I was used to hangin out with quirky homeschooled kids so he was just quirky).

I never restricted screens so they use them for everything from entertainment to research. No pacifying. Okay except maybe on long car trips but that's as much to alleviate their boredom as to make sure I don't crash the car getting distracted by them fighting XP

I've been told by adults that my kids are very sociable and intelligent and that talking to them is like talking to mini adults. My daughter has only started being rude (aka firmly glued to her phone and doing the rolling eyes exasperated sigh thing when told to get off and be polite/sociable at least for a little while) since she decided to try out high school (she's just completed her first term after having never been), but it could also be all that fun transitioning to a teenager stuff that may have happened even if she'd stayed homeschooling.

Their creativity hasn't been stifled in any way, my boys can still come up with intricate roleplaying games on the fly when they decide to play together, or build things including solving logistical problems, and my daughter can still produce amazing cards when she's doing birthday cards or invitations for her own parties.

I don't think you're overreacting (much) though. My older two learned to self-regulate most things pretty early and it's just my adhd child that I need to monitor and occasionally assist with strategies to wind down and transition off (he's better now). I've known other parents that have had similar issues as I've had with my adhd child, and you may need to help out there til they're mature enough to figure it out (or til they move out and it's not your problem anymore XD).

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Thank you ryivhnn! I was hoping my post would get a reply and fresh perspective such as this. Too often I get locked into my own way of thinking and I can justify just about any thought that goes through my head. So I really appreciate everything you wrote.

Since I'm living in a foreign country, I often ask my friends back home to email me their parenting stories. It helps me learn as I can't talk to all the parents here because of the language barrier (laziness on my part for not learning the local language better). I hope to write some more parenting blogs and I look forward to any insight you can give me. Cheers!

Parenting is a tough gig. Everyone has opinions and everyone knows for sure they're doing it right and everyone else is doing it wrong XD (especially if they don't have kids aaahhh that's hilarious)

Seeking information and opinions ouside your bubble is always good, just remember you know your babies best and what is right is whatever is right for your situation, and even if it turns out to be wrong down the track, you are doing the best you can with what you have at the time :)

Also don't look at me for insight I'm not insightful XD