The Trend Of Letting Your Children Scream

in parenting •  7 years ago 

I'm a mother of grown children. Never would I allow my children to be uncivil in public OR at home. This is what I call parenting. The role of a parent is to teach children acceptable behavior, self control and responsibility. So where did the parenting rules change? Having raised my children in the 1980's & 1990's the current trend has me and several others alarmed at what parents today are raising.


A person cannot go anywhere today without witnessing this atrocious behavior with these children. The blood-curdling, ear piercing screams they let out is unmistakable. It makes you jump and turn to see if someone is stabbing the child, getting abducted or even more disturbing, being raped. You'll be graced with a parent in their own world, usually on their phone, oblivious to the child's scream, while everyone in the vicinity is looking to see wtf the problem is. It's the parent, not the child, who has the problem.


I have a theory on why these children behave so badly. These children have been ignored so much that the ear-piercing scream is all that gets their parents attention. I was dining at a restaurant and the mother would give a 9-11 month old a bite of food every time the child let out the loudest high-pitched scream I'd ever heard! The father, sat there stoic with no intervention and allowed the mother to tend to the child. I feel the phones everyone is so attached to are creating a generation of God-knows-what type of adults, from a childhood of rampant ignorance, lack of direction and zero responsibility.


Gone are the days of a person in charge approaching a patron who is disrupting a whole area of guests and asking them to control the child or leave. Gone are people brave enough to say something to the parent lest the parent themselves show how uncontrolled they are. What as a society are we to do with these ignorant people who have control over innocent children? I'm not sure as I've tried a few things and none have worked. I haven't tried screaming in the parents ear with a loud pitched scream, the one I'd make if I was getting stabbed to death, but there is always tomorrow.


This is the advice I give these degenerates of society: You should not be on that phone when your children are awake. Period. There is no excuse so don't bother. You had them, now raise them, shut the phone off or risk being reported for child neglect. I've had it with you forcing the rest of us to suffer for your irresponsibility of being a parent.

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I'll bet a certain fake homesteader did his share of unchecked public wailing as a child...

He still is, isn't he?

These parents are distracted non stop! It’s a sad state of affairs

I don't see what is more important than your own children. Priorities are ass-backwards.

I wholeheartedly agree with you @watchfulmomma. We are perhaps the last of the 'normal' generation. All those that have followed are doomed I believe. We have very similar parents and children like you've stated here in the UK.

It's interesting this trend is not just in the USA. I was thrown out of a high class restaurant for asking the waitstaff to ask a parent to get their brat to stop screaming. It's a fact those with children tip the least. I've seen children running through a restaurant with staff carrying hot plates and the parents are oblivious. No doubt they are hoping their child gets hurt and they get a lawsuit to put money in their greedy pocket. These people should NOT be parents.

I think staff in general when it comes to these issues prefer to kick out the more respectable group in this type of situation as they will likely not 'kick up a stink' as much as those with rowdy children.

If I was running a restaurant I wouldn't care. I'd tell them they have to leave as they are the ones disrupting the majority. Don't you think once they left I'd receive a standing ovation? LOL!
People are so afraid what everyone will THINK of them for doing the RIGHT thing!
But you are right, they want to keep the peace, so let's throw out the tippers and leave the messy, screaming, non-tipper family. Who needs tips?
(Bangs head on computer)

Yup, unfortunately everyone wants the 'easy life' despite the detriment to our humanity.

Yes, I think you would get a standing O ;)

The picture of the baby cracked me up!

Yeah, even kids don't want to hear it!!

Say it louder for the fucks in the back!

My sons will never disrupt a public sitting like that and get away with it. I don't spank my children, but it's not something that's never happened... I absolutely refuse to raise disrespectful imps like the ones you describe here, and truly, you've got to feel sorry for that child...

You had them, now raise them,

This is something people don't seem to understand these days. Having a child isn't some nonchalant thing everyone should be doing as soon as they get a chance. People don't take into account exactly what having a child means, and they end up pushing a lot of that immense responsibility either onto other adults in their life, or the child themselves...

Ha! I think they have ear buds in!

Children need to know boundaries, when parents don't set them they are confused and therefore don't know how to act.

I know a lot of parents don't spank, I grew up with it, I used it. Spanking on the tush, IMO, should be done to prevent the child from harm or harming. That's why there is extra cushion, lol. As a child if I didn't behave in public I was taken to the restroom and given a spanking. Now I had something to cry about. And I didn't repeat the behavior.