从 Feifei Li 看东亚父母

in parents •  7 years ago 

看李飞飞写的回忆录,"So instead of being engineers and scientists, my father did camera repair and my mother worked as a cashier"

事情进展到这一步本来是《中国合伙人》里孟晓俊的剧情,或者是买买提里无数失意人士的经历,但之后的经历比小说还有戏剧性,简直是逆天改命,和小说一样,找不到能有更高 ROI 的投资了。布林的经历和这类似,但却更多像奥尔布赖特,是被东苏迫害后被迫来到美国,而飞飞的父母确是主动选择了这一条

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