No one can replace them

in parents •  8 years ago 

“Mom, Dad… I Can’t Breathe”
He lives in a vicious world.
He just wants his life to be hurled.
He’s just a child but he wants to die.
His eyes won’t lie, his eyes won’t cry.
His parents have a war of hearts.
And his heart is breaking apart.
Loud atrocious voices,
Home with stormy noises,
Thunder rings around his head,
And to stop these dreadful threads…
“Mom, Dad… I can’t breathe.”
Yes, he pretends to stop his parents’ tiff.
He lies and does a playful riff.
He hates the sound of heartless talks.
He hates the scream of mournful folks.
“Mom, Dad… I can’t breathe – ”
The repeated lie he always says.
He’s a great liar at a young age.
He has money, foods and everything,
Though love and care are always missing.
“Mom, Dad… I can’t breathe.”
He wants to feel a worthy life.
He wants to pull out the knife,
Infiltrating his fragile heart.
Catching attention is his art,
But his loved ones do not care.
They can’t give a love so fair.
“Mom, Dad… I can’t breathe.”
They are tired of his voice.
And he is tired of their noise.
His play’s not already working.
His heart is literally breaking.
“Mom, Dad… I can’t breathe.”
But instead of giving medication,
They give him words of destruction.
“Quit playing like a stupid child!”
Then, he lets his somber tears be wild.
“Mom, Dad… I can’t breathe.”
His heart gets weak and weak.
His lungs are tired of his sick.
“Mom, Dad… I can’t breathe.”
This time, he doesn’t play pretend,
But his parents think he’s a burden.
“Mom, Dad… I can’t breathe.”
Little by little, his heart weakens,
But no one tries to listen.
“Mom, Dad… I can’t breathe.”
Still no one gives attention,
He lies at his bed of woeful notion,
Since they don’t lend their ears…
“Mom, Dad… I can’t breathe.”
He just utters with lifeless tears.
“Mom, Dad… I can’t breathe!”
He tells himself with frosty feet.

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