The Duty of the Watchman

in parkland •  7 years ago  (edited)

The Duty of the Watchman

Summary of the Current Situation
April 1, 2018:

This is a brief summary of events and recent developments picking up at or around the Route 91 Festival Shooting in Las Vegas up to our present time just after the Parkland Shooting.

The official explanation and narrative for the Route 91 Festival shooting is completely false in almost every detail. There were multiple shooters from concealed locations within a radius of approx. 150 Meters or less, this can be determined based on the controlled groupings in center mass and disproportionate headshots, both of which are not possible from the distance and elevation with a “bump stock”. Even a preliminary acoustic analysis conclusively demonstrates there were multiple shooters, variance in in rate of fire, etc…in addition, the rate of fire most audible, matched most closely the M240, however, the wound patterns did not match that of a M240, which indicates the use of the M240 as “Acoustical Cover” for the more precise, closer, suppressed, sub-sonic ammo, AR-15 variants which were most likely the tools used for the coordinated operation, sub-sonic ammunition goes unstable and drops parabolic at or about approx. the 125 Meter mark, which is why we can determine with a high degree of probability the shooter(s) (plural) were within the distance given above, because this is required to achieve the controlled grouping wound patterns. This also requires specialized sub-sonic ammunition and modifications to the gas system of the standard AR-15, in order for the suppressed weapon to effectively cycle, which again, is required to achieve the controlled groupings observed in victims at the shooting. Above are only a few reasons we can know with a very high degree of probability the official narrative is completely false.

Flash forward to the Parkland High School Shooting. The official explanation and narrative for the Parkland High School shooting is completely false in almost every detail. The official timeline for the shooting provided by the Broward County Sherriff’s office omits the Fire Alarm. This is critical as when eye-witness accounts are correlated and chronologically pinned to the the fire-alarm it becomes self evident the timeline of events is totally false. Alexa Meidnik states she left the building with the alleged “shooter” Nicholas Cruz just after a few initial shots were fired…Chris McKenna says that he ran into the “shooter” and talked to him but (does not name him) in the stairway “loading his gun”…then proceeds to produce a long winded story with a series of events, which include fleeing the building, notifying Coach Aarron Feis (deceased), somehow being driven to the baseball field by Coach Feis (across campus) and being with coach Feis at the time of the fire alarm…all of which must have taken place prior to the shooting…and of course this is not possible in the current official timeline. In addition, as it relates to the fire alarm, here is an informed opinion from someone who identified themselves as a tradesman and installer of fire alarms:

“I used to install, test and fix fire alarm systems for schools, casinos, government buildings exe. Not a single fire alarm is going off in any of the videos I've seen, and when a fire alarm pull-station is pulled, it needs to then be opened up with a key or tool and then the switch on the inside needs to be flipped back before the alarm can be disabled at the control panel. I think they made the whole story about the fire alarm up in order to explain why kids were in the hallways and omitted it because they know there is no strobe lights flashing or fire alarm sounding in any of the videos or 911 calls.” – Travis Emry

In addition to the fact that not one eyewitness has personally identified Nicholas Cruz as the “shooter”, there are at a minimum three separate descriptions of the “shooter”, one description coming from a teacher named Stacey Lippel, who describes firsthand the shooter as looking like a Police Officer, with helmet, facemask, body armor, and a rifle she could not describe...sure doesn’t line up with Alexa Meidnik’s story. The Broward County Deputies and other local police personnel appeared to have deviated from Standard Operating Procedures as it relates to responding to an “Active Shooter” in a school environment, in setting up a perimeter rather than actively engaging the shooter in order to mitigate the loss of life. Of course, initially the BSO attempted to explain this as the cowardice of one individual deputy, but later it comes out this deputy was merely following orders. This deviation from standard operating procedure, directed from superiors, is in and of itself very suspect.

In order to successfully conduct an operation of the magnitude of the Parkland High School Shooting and successfully control and cover up all aspects of the investigation, total control of the investigating entity is required. The entity with jurisdiction over the Parkland High School Shooting is the Broward County Sheriff’s office or BSO and the Broward County Sheriff is Scott Israel. The BSO is not only penetrated by Muslim Brotherhood Operatives, but is also an absolute cesspool of perversion, depravity, cowardice, and complete incompetence. Roger Stone and Company have been working diligently to control Scott Israel for some time now. This is relevant because not only is Roger Stone a political mercenary for hire, but he also specializes in Sexual Blackmail Operations or Human Compromise Operations as some have called it. He came up under the tutelage of Roy Cohn, a known sexual reprobate who admitted to the sexual trafficking of young boys for the specific purposes of Sexual Compromise of businessmen, politicians, etc…Scott Israel is surrounded by these types of people. It is also worth noting at least that Roger Stone has a history of writing large articles on the subject of Pizza, how much he loves Pizza, his favorite pizza toppings, his favorite Pizza Restaurants, etc…take from that what you will #pizzagate. Roger Stone’s biggest problem in Broward County came from a local 10 reporter named Bob Norman, who trolled and reported on the dealings of Scott Israel and Roger Stone relentlessly, his work on Roger Stone and Company’s relationship with Scott Israel is an absolute treasure trove and it is out there and available, at least for now. Which leads into the next aspect of all of this: Internet Censorship.

Unlike after the Las Vegas Shooting, where diligent observers called out the massive discrepancies in the official story right away, AND were able to distribute their content online…what followed the Parkland High School Shooting can only be described as the largest, coordinated censorship effort since the Internet was made available to the American public. Every single social media platform, in total harmony and complete coordination, enacted the most draconian Internet censorship measures ever in the history of Internet in the United States. Prior to the Parkland Shooting, the social media giants (Google, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc…) were at least making the veiled attempt to maintain the appearance of objectivity…since the Parkland Shooting…this is no longer the case…the gloves have come off…they are now actively working together to totally suppress any and all dissenting opinions. No Deviation to the official narrative will be tolerated and every dirty trick is actively on the table, from the subtle shadow ban to out right Chinese style internet censorship. Where Youtube and other social media used to be acceptable mediums for people to communicate with each other, this is no longer the case…alternatives must be established as soon as possible.

This all begs the question: Why?

The large Silicon Valley Internet Titans are owned and controlled by an international power faction which has had many different names in many different countries over many years. For now, we will call them the World Revolutionary Movement or WRM. This is a Clandestine Warfare Organization or CWO which can immediately and very clearly be traced back to Leon Trotsky’s Revolutionary Movement which broke from Stalin’s Soviet during World War II. Prior to that the WRM can be seen operating during the French Revolution where they made famous the use of the Guillotine, where they decapitated over 40,000+ during the events which made up the French Revolution. In short, this is a group of absolute godless savages, who specialize in “Revolution”. The WRM has tentacles inside the US Government in various if not all branches, in the most recent years they have all but taken complete control of the State Department, NGO’s like the National Endowment for Democracy (The NED) and FBI…but that is not to say they do not have people beholden to them everywhere. This Octopus feeds on Human Weakness:

This is the “Kracken” behind the faces we see pushing the Gun Control Agenda post Parkland Shooting, coordinating the suppression of dissent, raising up ignorant demon-like children demanding “Action”. This organization has been likened to an Octopus in the past, and like any other Octopus it is a master at changing shape and hiding…in other words…deception is the name of the game…up to and until they gain power…then…the guillotine is the name of the game. This is how they operate, you are being warned. This is a vicious beast which ultimately is controlled by Satan – the WRM is radically Anti-Christ, radically Anti-Human, and just like their father the Devil, they are Liars and are highly trained and experienced in the fine art of Revolution and Mass Deception. There is a physical command and control structure to the WRM which does the bidding of “Spiritual Wickedness in High Places”, a command structure of Spiritual Wickedness – exactly like Ephesians 6 describes in detail.

The World Revolutionary Movement is in an open alliance with another Clandestine Warfare Organization – the Muslim Brotherhood. These two power factions worked together to plan, coordinate, and execute what is now known as the “Arab Spring” and the Silicon Valley Internet Service Providers and Social Media Giants provided their complete infrastructure in support of this cause. Now, they are focusing and increasing their efforts domestically, here in the United States. The WRM has essentially gone “Kinetic” on very carefully selected “Soft Targets” (Route 91 Festival and Parkland HS) in order to coordinate and squeeze out the maximum political impact.

This is an organization which specializes in Revolution, this bears repeating. If you want to see a glimpse into the future, a future these people envision for the United States, just look at Europe now, disarmed and under total Civilization Jihad by Immigration. This is the Pincer this group is actively working towards and when they are successful there will be no quarter. It is the WRM working with the Muslim Brotherhood, coordinating their efforts towards the goal of total dis-armament of the American Citizen.

It is the duty of the Watchman (Ezekiel 33) to blow the horn. Consider it blown. If your read this and do nothing, you deserve what you are going to get…and it is coming.
Rev 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

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