parler hypocrites

in parler •  4 years ago 

apparently the #statists at #Parler are suing #amazon for taking them off their platform, and want the government to step in to tell them how to run their business, next they'll want big brother to seize amazons means of production


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Parler is definitely not communists. Amazon broke their contract with Parler. You use “statist” so I guess you are ancap and know how important it is to keep your contract.

Yes, there are terms of service — but you can't just claim a breach. You actually have to prove that.

And now we are going to see if Amazon can prove a breach of terms of service in court. If they can't then Amazon needs to pay for the damages done. This is the same what would happen in an ancap society.

PS: If you want to know how to write a proper Parler critical article then read mine:

There is enough factual to be criticised about Parler. No need to make up stuff.