The Role, The Responsibility And The Purpose Of Censorship

in parody •  9 years ago 

Censorship, in all forms, is going to exist as long as there are ways to express being unhappy. I have done studies myself that have broken it down into three simple types of censorship, as well as effective techniques to handle each one.

Good Censorship

I went to a professional for this one. After I spent minutes filtering through the search results Google gave me for the answer I wanted, here is what Google's answer was.
Censorship is good. Censorship is a good thing, it keeps children from hearing and seeing inappropriate things. I for one like the censorship because children do not need to hear a slur of cuss words, or see body parts of others. I also do not want to hear or see it either, so I appreciate it.
That, from an anonymous user on

This will typically have been taken care of by other users. Although, at times you may be called to preform the service.

Bad Censorship

A method prefered by some in an attempt to oppress a person, race or religion. Or any number of other things. An act that says we don't have the rights or capability of discussing this as rational adults. At times, even used to cover up the reality of a situation.

Whatever the reality of a situation is, it is a disrespect to everyone if this option is used lightly. Everyone needs the details instead of access to your controlled, and therefor limited, version of the truth. We can handle both sides of an issue.

I am gonna level with you here. The third type of censorship I haven't made up yet.


I invite you to follow me for how this all gets wrapped up in a future post I may possibly get around to.

photo sources:
top picture that I already emailed the author informing him that it looks to phallic a reference with his big blue "compensation" and black bar is currently being sent for installation immediately upon arrival:
Batman and Robin Obscured Reality:
Little Girl Mystified:

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