Hi, My Name Is Stellabelle And I Have A $13 Trillion Dollar Steeminati Game :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in parody •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hi, you've known me here on Steemit, but really you are about to really know me, because I will


But first you have to transfer $12.5 trillion Steem into my account and then I will share with you how I became one of the top paid Steemit bloggers.....EVER. Yes, that is me on the Steemwhales.com site. I'm in the top 5.

Ok, just make some Absurd Noise before you transfer your hard-earned Steem into my wallet so I can go get a mansion in Hollywood, buy some fancy clothes, roll around on a diamond-encrusted floor and eat fancy cakes while snorting up a crapload of cocaine off a dude's chest.

Ok, GO!


Gain private access to chat and find out all my secretzzzzzzzz....if you dare, but you have to act fast!


In case of confused humans, this post is 100% parody. No truth is contained in this post.
And remember friends, people who possess karma don't need to create a coin with that same name.

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I think the parody posts will end up making more than the original.

That's what bandwagons do.

y u no bandwagon?


and take my $1.36 upvote!

This post received a 34% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @stellabelle! For more information, click here!

thanks, i guess the vote power is randomly selected by a bot?

I think so

Such a great deal! I will get into it immediately!

oh yaaaaaaaas

Looks legit. Just like DASH.

A game? I love games! All my money, you say? Just reach into my pocket. It's WAY down there though...

can I be the dude with the chest @stellabelle?? I have a great chest, young, and firm, not too hairy yet!

Too bad I only did coke once, and no chest was involved.
What are you offering me exactly? Can i just get your chest in a virtual form? I am still a germaphobe, unfortunately trapped.

hahaha!! maybe =) I'm in a coffee shop though right now...hold on a second

this was funny. I bet you could amass a bunch of cougars like myself and create a new business.

PERFECT!!! I am definitely a cat person :P

did you go into the restroom to do this?

oh no!!! This was right in public view =)

ah, you're a hippy type right?

Left. My inner hippy took off to go trim weed in Cali last year, haven't heard from him in a while. That's cool though, we got good weed up here in Montana too.

Boom! Public ItchyKitten Boobies!!! Just for you Stella!!!

ok this is the first virtual chest i've ever received. Thank you! Just think when VR meets Steemit.....will VR sex become a thing in Steemit in the future?

I bet it will...I imagine a booming grass roots porn industry, without all the dumb stuff...just cool people doing their thing!

Yeah, at least with Virtual Sex, you can't get a disease or a child.

if Steem m00ns, I sort of want to build my Tesla sexbot.

solarpoweredsex.com, wonder if it's taken.

well, i had a vision of a castle today.....

Count me in!


Ill play your game. I trust You

ah ha! As you noticed, even in parody, I couldn't come up with anything........solid....it feels too parasitic.

You made your point just with the title

Bahahahahaha! Let's see how this one works out!

Thank you Stellabelle! - Right after I published my most recent post about "How To Spot A Scam", I read your replies in Matt's post..

I do appreciate your efforts but it seems to be impossible to ... Well, I don't even know what I'm going for here... I'm just tilt. - This shit is pure insanity. - And all the "bans" for his future games..? - Just wow.. - Is that the way this guy is doing business? - Ban everyone who's sceptic? - Oh well. Life goes on.


  • Hey.. Wait, what?!

we're not ready
people who possess karma don't need to create a coin.

Honestly, I wasn't ready for you either.. at first. - Then you spread your craziness like a hurricane and I was stuck. :D

  • You're awesome :)

ha ha! I realized I would be seen as obnoxious, but then I just said, fu*k it.

And that's why you're the queen of steemit.

ha ha!!!! I am a regular person with a disease: writing.

A good writer with heart, passion, will-power, experience and a shit ton of other things.. - That's what makes you a great writer :)

They stole @vot 's icon. At that point i knew it was a scam


beautiful GIF. my life would be hollow without GIFs

You're fucking banned.


I'm suing your Drug free hippy village for every last geodesic dome they have.

Amish don't do legal proceedings. You're fucked.

May your crops have a low yield.

I'm all in. Infact I raise you; 14 trillion dollars.

Where is a doctor evil meme when you need one? 😔

this is a lot more fun than facebook! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😜

yes, yes and yes. finally you realized.

i was 'talking' with another steémster and thought we need to create a game named 'shitstorm' 😉

😂😂😂😂😂. I love Dr Evil soo much.

Lol, this post is too good @stellabelle. Thanks for taking action when you see a scam here on Steemit. Loved how you destroyed Stan in the comment section of that "$10 million prize pool" post.

I only wanted him to think......having his eyeballs splattered with Hollywood-encrusted coke dreams is not sufficient for our questions....

I was actually waiting for somebody to say something on that post as I was really surprised to see a few whales upvoting it. And then saw you take charge. Well done for that @stellabelle. Much respect, thank you.

Transfer your Steem to @Stellabelle, but send your Bitcoin to me!


Oh shit...let me send that steem quick.

When's the next SteemiNaughty Masquerade Party?

When I get a castle, dear.

this IS in the plans isn't Stella??? ISN'T IT?!?!?!?!

A castle is on my list. Whether it happens depends on the value of Steem. Make it m00n, please.

I'll take two!

Sending the balance of my poloniex account nao!

ha ha ha ha ha! You must want my secrets. I can give them to you when you send me your funds. You'll get the secret number as soon as I get the wire.

HAHA...Gotta love the the steemit world!!! LMAO

yes, the parody posts are well worth all the hell!!!!!!!

Definitely well worth staying up till 3am! looks like my son will be late for school in the AM!!! Last days anyway. This is way too entertaining! haha

i know! I am up waaaaaaay late! I took a nap earlier so now I'm up all night!

Did you get any rest?!?! I am going on 4 hours of sleep and a 20 min power nap. It was well worth it though :)

Where... can... I... transfer...

just transfer to @stellabelle here in my Steem wallet...FRICTIONLESS BANKING.

I would like to send you all my STEEM, but it's such a small number that I feel ashamed... Wait till I save up at least 1 million, and i'm in ;D

OK, go start blogging, boy. Send later. Ciao!

oh wawwww . rely . i like your informatin .

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Will Dan's daddy vouch for you? I'm only in if Dan's daddy says you're okay.

Congratulations @stellabelle!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 4 with 133 comments

EPIC parody, expertly timed;)

You got it!!!!

ha Steemit is nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since I am a bit low on Steem, and cannot afford to take advantage of such an amazing opportunity, I have started a crowdfund:

That's actually quite funny. Talented writer. Let's see where this new projetc is bringing us. A good portion of healthy skepticism is never a bad advice.

hahahaha good morning!!!

Is it ok if I send it to you in karmacoin?

people who possess real Karma don't need to make a coin.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

TRUE!!!! When i saw all the Buddhist references i was staring with my mouth wide open.

I consider myself to be somewhere in between Buddhism, Taoism...and atheism...but using the logos of any just seems fake to me.

Everything seems so fuzzy. A lot of smokescreening going on.

I like that!

I'm ready to roll around in some coke and other stuff!

Wouldn't you get all sticky? I love my soda but not that much ;p


I could buy millions with a dollar soon. (I think that's what Matt's coin was called)

haha! This was great!

As relative new here I almost did it! I have a good faith in humanity I guess. 🙋‍♂️

I see what you did there

You are very succesful here on Steemit, Congratulations and Happy Pentecost !

Great marketing.....the start was epic, now I have some ideas......

Where can I sign up for the @stellabelle ICO?



I see what you did there ... and I like it. Nicely done.

@stellabelle, I have A $100 Trillion Steemaga Game! Lol!
I think they came in en mass yesterday. Someone left a comment on my post yesterday which contained a link used to collect people's password on steemit.

Great Parody post!

So this is the new ICO that everyone's been raving about!

Thanks for giving us Steemians a heads up first, before the masses hear about it.

When does this ICO end, and can I invest more than the suggested $13 Trillion dollars?


I followed you, so I read all your stuff I like, so I chose it. Unfortunately, my minnow vote is not worthy of you. I have tried to shift my subject to see if I am getting a bit of charm. Hmmm one shows $ 3.50 and one today has reached $ 9 maybe we need to understand our audience here. Look at them as consumers. What are they hungry Maybe, I keep trying new corners.

haha I like your disclaimer at the bottom to idiot proof your post

I have some snake oil you may be interested in

Snake oil has it origin from china. Chinese water snakes feed off fish, which makes them rich in Omega 3. And guess what? Omega 3 is good for you. So make sure your snake oil comes from chinese watersnakes. The american rattler won't do shit.

Probably better to eat the fish directly. We know some Chinese medicine is of dubious benefit and is driving some species to extinction. Any medicine or super marketing scheme needs to be backed by evidence and/or trusted reviews :)

Not more dubious than eating any predator. I eat plenty of whale which feeds off fish. And seal. Yumyum.

oh yes, transfer that too, with your KarmacoinZ

So much fun and so many games the past week I hardly know where to begin! A how-to guide to risk-free wealth accumulation devoid of any jail-time whatsoever, if you know the right people, of course...

So... STFU and "PASS ME THE PORK, BeetleJuices!" lol

Cuz you're not ready to see the "awesomeness" I've worked so hard to unleash on y'all!

oh boy! The sunglasses!!!!!!! I will have to watch this tomorrow....you're either insane or funny...

probably a little bit of both! lol - it's not a recent video of mine, but as the French say, "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"...

Free Dash Sundays for the win!!! Your glasses always make me laugh.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

this was one o me favs! it's the glasses AND the hair.

C'est chouette, mon Dieu...

haha ,this is amazing :D:D:D

hello @stellabelle. I am ijoel from Aceh. I have followed you. help me please. upvote me, i hope to you. you have success. I like you and yours. greatingful of friendship and regards from me .
hopefully today better from yesterday

Lol and thats Stellabelle. Steem on :)

LOL - love it! You forgot to mention the 71 year old grandma that would kill it playing your game 😂😂😂

You know it's legit because one of the brand new accounts that joined for the circle jerk signed his mom up for it. Guys, he trusts his own mother to this venture. How can you believe it's a scam?


nice one :)

Hey @stellabelle still a pleasure to read your book from time to time milady! I soo love it and I still love the fact you are here still kicking on steem :)

thanks, i appreciate that.

First, I hate half the women on the $10 bill.
Their personalities make their image repulsive to me.

And, I can totally understand the transferring of trillions of steem to your account.... but, why do you want a mansion in Hollywood? Have you been their lately? I would take a rotting farm shack out next to @papa-pepper than anything that is in Hollywood right now.

this is parody.
Yes, I used to live in Southern California. I am well aware of how decrepit Hollywood is. That's why i chose that location for this PARODY POST.

Well, knowing that, it does make for good parody.
My life has had too many run ins with people who have had just that type of mentality for their dreams. Where, even if their dreams of stardom and fame, with little effort were realized, the reality of the house is not close to their imagination. So, their dreams fail on all fronts. And all they can do is get more and more miserable.

Well I just need one STEEM ... from all Steemians. I will get rich quicker

Buh where all me monies? ;)


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Watch the movie "Yes Man" and watch the scene with John Carey at the Seminar. Thats how it felt but worse.

I saw YES MAN and YES MEN......

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

yea haha.

very funny,I just sent you couple trillions to support your habit of snorting crushed diamonds :D

good, my nose is hungry.

Sorry, but... no :D

Steemit is full of drama today lmao

jesus christ, you're right. That's what sleazy marketers do! They infect us!

It is funny @stellabelle and I was in steemwhales yesterday to follow all the biggies as someone suggested in their post and I do not remember seeing your name, a great fakeout for certain

We still felt we could give him a chance to answer some questions AMA Request. ;)

if only i had 13 trillion lol

Had a good laugh

Wow 2 posts in one day offering millions, fantastic!

Hi, my name is Teuku Mukhlis

LOL, what was this. I guess you had already snorted up a crapload of cocaine off a dude's chest!!!! ;)

I resteemed this brilliant plan. You can use your earnings to participate in my game!


Cocaine is much better snorted off of a hookers ass... Just an fyi.

I am a woman, dear. Chests are my preferred petri dish.

If I had tons of money like you I certainty wouldn't be doing drugs, I would be exploring the world.

I explored the world when i was 18-21, and on and off for my entire life. I moved to a different place every 4 years, despite being poor. I went from Kansas to the desert in Arizona to Sasebo, japan. Then to Kansas again, then moved to the beach in California. I want to see a real sinkhole, and see Hawaii again. I grew up as a child visiting all the European countries, too.
The traveling I'm currently doing is inside my mind. That's where the most work needs to be done, inside my heart.

Lol right on

Resteemed and voted


Your post is going viral and I love your guts

Well for most of my life I was a wall flower, and scared to tell the truth.
That didn't work out so well.
Now there's no shutting me up.

Let's go!

Haha. I know who you're talking about. After signing up for that pathetic live stream and then reading up on the guy, I found multiple reports of him being a scam artist. Sad really. Thanks for this laugh.

ah, no problem. I am a real skeptic along with @kyriacos and others.....who posted the real information.

Dear friend.You helped with 75 steem dollars for this https://steemit.com/help/@sandunfernando/requiring-your-help-to-build-a-new-tube-wel-for-drinking-water.I have received support from all my friends.I can send you the money back you gave to me when the post completes 7 days .I really appreciate what you did to help me.Please reply friend.

So in short @stellabelle this is what you are trying to say to someone right??

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Hi! Have you heard about @krwhale? It is similiar with @randowhale. For your information please click on.