Society 010

in parrot •  5 years ago 

Is ignorance a communicable disease?

The big problem is, #nitwits do not think, they simply parrot what they've been told by "authorities" and "experts." Cognitive dissonance is contagious and a direct result of groupthink. If my neighbors and family and coworkers are reciting what the "authorities" and "experts" are repeating, then that must be absolute truth. For example, they believe that #science is what a "scientist" says, rather than a process of eliminating invalid hypotheses.

I doubt that many will begin actual thinking, until too much has been taken from them, too much is demanded of them, and it is simpler for them to rebel than accept their lot anymore.

I do not know of any revolution where the overwhelming majority supported overthrowing the status quo for all of the same reasons ... ;-)

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