June, Part 2

in part2 •  5 years ago 

I think I might have a story for you. Recently, there has been this newcomer who’s been inquiring about the events of June, 1969 or ‘67 or something like that. I’ll find out later but the things from that time have been coming back. They seem to be connected to the arrival time of this newcomer. In fact, they even talked to the old man about it! See, there’s a connection. I found this out when Betha, my wife, told me that there’s someone new in town and all of the ladies were gossiping about them and how strangely they were acting. I’ll admit I don’t know much, but I’ll find out soon enough, got it? But anyway, this story could make it big, could make us big. Can’t you see it?! The headlines printed over the town “Sculptor News Big Breakthrough '', I can see it now. What do you think about that?

Anyway, the story. So, just a couple weeks ago, not sure exactly how many but you get the point, the newbie got here and just started asking around about the 1960s. They even asked me! I just thought it was some video trend or something the kids nowadays do but I jotted it down anyway. See, got it here on this note, wasn’t that smart of me? Think I could make it big in the industry?

But that doesn't matter right now. Josephine, the baker’s wife, went missing. And I did some research and found out that the old man and Josephine were high school sweethearts, isn’t that just dandy? Now, I’ll need to talk to the baker about it, but I’m thinking that a segment on her would make it more interesting. Like her background and her connection to the old man, you know? So I looked at the old high school’s files and found out she was a real good student but the old man’s files are missing! I asked the daughter of the principal back then and she said there was a fire, but my grandma remembers no such fire and she’s been her all 76 years of her life.

And about my grandma, I have some news about that. Ok, ok ok, so, she has been here her entire life, right? And she’s 76, right? So she’d have been in her teens when this happened, I think. Right? Yea, she's been. So I thought to ask her about the old man, but guess what? She said she doesn't remember any man like him from back then. I need to do a bit more research, the library was closed, ok? But I think that there is something fishy going on there and you know what I think it is? ALIENS, that's what!

I know you’re real busy but you have to hear me out on this one. It seems crazy but - I’ll just get on with it. We’ve been seeing unseasonably heavy clouds, considering it is summer. That’s not very interesting but there’s more! We’ve heard reports of odd beeping noises coming from the field behind John Murphy’s house on Twining street. We were set to investigate but that newbie beat us to it and when we got there, there was no one there. We could not find the newbie anywhere, it was as if he got abducted, you know - by the aliens! Can’t you see it - everyone will want our newspaper! I asked the police, but they said that they could not say anything. Do you think it was because of the aliens?

They're not very interesting anyway. The local bookstore got robbed and the only thing missing was a dictionary. That sounds bland now that I say it outloud, it wasn't even the newest edition. The Superfoods down the street also got robbed, but that was just for the money in the register. Let's call it a series of robberies, sounds suspicious enough, right? Crime rates rise - wait, that's even better! I'm a genius, no need to thank me. But how to connect it to the alien theory - well, it was a dictionary, right? Maybe the aliens don’t know English? Or maybe just a little, we’ll have the writers spin that one. We could just not include it, again, not the man for that.

Earlier I talked about my grandma, right? Well, near her house we found some oldish looking tools, but they are like nothing I have ever seen before. There was this hammer made of some blueish thing, kinda looked spray painted, and something that looked like a leveler but not like the lever you’d see in the hardware store, if you can see that. I don’t really know what it was, it was a flat line and a bendable line with weights at each end and a rolly thing in the center - I’m doing a bad job explaining this, I’ll send you the pictures. I think it looks alien-ish, but not alien enough. Maybe we can edit it a bit in post-productions. We don’t really have people for that, though - maybe the editor could do that? Or Becky could do that - she’s here for the summer at a temp job for experience, if you didn’t remember, she’s a literature major in the college. She’s the youngest person here, she probably knows best how to do that kind of stuff.

Speaking of college, my nephew is in college. He’s 23, on his last year there, and I asked him to tell me the search trends of recently and he told me it was Aliens, Area 51, and 60s Protests. It seems that there is some sort of connection here. I looked up area 51, and it is a base that supposedly contains aliens from the government. I’m not sure how true it is, I saw it on some pages, but we can hint at it. Don’t want Area 51 to be mad at us, after all. “Possible INterstellar Connections”, that could be a headline. Or just again a description. Again, not my job to figure out the wording, just get the ideas.

There’s not much more, I promise I won’t use up much more of your time. None of its about the newcomer, but there are some good stories here. John Murphy found this epic boat in the back of the creek. We could have a whole segment on it, mabey write about how they made it. I didn't get a good look at it, but it kinda looks like soom wood planks bound by some sort of homemade concrete. I'm not sure how they got it to float if its concrete, which is why I said it seems homemade, see- smart? But maybe they put on some sort of water repellant, I don't know. Like I said, I didn't get a good look at it. He said he thought some kids had built it, and the offer for the boat has been up for a week - I don’t think anyone is claiming it. Do you think someone could get one of our kids to claim it and let us display it in the office? It would get us some good publicity without hurting anyone.

The last story I could find was the upcoming season - football - at the, umm, college. Yeah, it was college because the high school started last week. Like always, Jenna will be leading the girls team, but Jake graduated last year, remember the article we did on it? Such a shame, he was really good at football. He never did like this town though, and would explain his sudden leaving a couple months ago. Wouldn’t be surprised if he joined the NBA. Or is it the NFA? I’m not so sure - I got the story, but I just don’t understand these sports teams! I like our team, though, don’t you worry. Much easier to understand. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you who was leading the boys team. Creed McLoskey seems to be the leader, that was a shocker. But it looks like Tom Nuddle is still injured from the last game they played - that one was a doozy. He likely won’t be able to play the rest of the season.

I know I’ve taken up a lot of your time but I’ll get going now. I’ve got to head to lunch anyway, so I’ll catch you later!

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