@partiko | Say with Flowers-01 | Katakan dengan bunga | #159steemCreated with Sketch.

in partiko •  6 years ago  (edited)

We all know flowers. Flowers are one of the many beauties in the world. Flowers have a lasting appeal. Color and fragrance are among the advantages of flowers that can attract anyone. Flowers are not only the beauty and the fragrance. Flowers save a million meanings. Even flowers also save a million memories. Are you attracted by flowers? Are there any of you who cannot forget flowers or even you get hurt because of flowers?

Say with flowers. What is the meaning behind the beauty of flowers. Have you ever given a flower to someone you like. Flowers represent your feelings. Flowers help you to uncover something you dare not say. Flowers will convey that feeling without saying anything. enough with a flower, then your feelings will be represented by flowers.

Flowers have a lot of variety and color. Each type and color represent a particular meaning. Don't give a wrong flower. Make sure what your goal is to give flowers. For love, flowers for the lover, flowers for best friend or flower for mother.

Do not give black orchid flowers to your lover or red roses for your best friend because they will be interpreted differently. Choose the right flower and the color that is suitable for the purpose you provide.

Say with flowers.

Kita semua mengenal bunga. Bunga adalah satu diantara banyak keindahan di dunia. Bunga memiliki daya tarik yang abadi. Warna dan wanginya adalah diantara keunggulan bunga yang mampu memikat siapapun. Bunga bukan hanya keindahan dan wanginya. Bunga menyimpan sejuta makna. Bahkan bunga juga menyimpan sejuta kenangan. Adakah dari anda yang terpikat oleh bunga. Adakah dari anda yang tidak bisa melupakan bunga atau bahkan anda terluka karena bunga.

Katakan sesuatu dengan bunga. Apa makna dibalik keindahan bunga. Pernahkah anda memberikan sekuntum bunga kepada seseorang yang anda sukai. Bunga mewakili perasaan anda. Bunga membantu anda untuk mengungkap sesuatu yang tidak berani anda katakan. Bunga akan menyampaikan perasaan itu tampa mengatakan apapun. Sudah cukup dengan setangkai bunga, maka perasaan anda akan terwakili dengan bunga.

Bunga memiliki banyak ragam dan warnanya. Setiap jenis dan warnanya mewakili makna tertentu. Jangan salah memberi setangkai bunga. Pastikan apa tujuan anda memberi bunga. Untuk cintakah, bunga untuk sang kekasih, bunga untuk. sahabat atau bunga untuk ibu.

Jangan memberikan bunga angrek berwarna hitam untuk sang kekasih anda atau mawar merah untuk sahabat anda karena akan dimaknai lain. Pilihlah bunga yang tepat dan warna yang sesuai untuk tujuan yang anda berikan.

Katakan dengan bunga.

Thank for @artzone

Posted using Partiko Android

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Hello, this comment isn’t related to your post but I had a question. I'm the organizer of the Banana Program. Thanks for participating! I hope you had a lot of fun! I'm reaching out to you to find out if you’re able to comment and post normally. Also let me know if you’ve been negatively affected by the Hardfork and also any other reason you have for not participating in the Banana Program in any given week. Any feedback you have is appreciated. Thank you.

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Thank you @stellabelle for reminding me. I think the program has ended so I don't follow it. I am very happy to participate in bananaprogram. Is there still time to follow this week seven

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