
in partiko •  5 years ago  (edited)

Ideal for stagediving or kutpummels who want to try and set you up
Do NOT record until situation starts. Combo with flashlight makes for 20/20 NV

kutpummel defined as : motherfucker from the gravelpits who thinks life is as seen on tv and has the right to do anything to anyone who doesn't ?

When i say don't record until :

i did plenty of digging in 'the law' (since 'the law' did one over on me MORE THAN ONCE and two same cases highly depend on judge AND time of day for outcome ... you can google that : you want to sit when they had lunch, not right after they wake up. It's a proven statistic, plus any judge who has had any personal experience with any kind of any case or matter they have to judge on is NOT superman or woman , no matter what the propaganda say)

SO ... and its interesting btw, and also they did plenty of that when i was studying social work anyway. Can't help social cases if you don't know jack-of-law :

For instance : in belgium a camera (attached to the wall or something) FOV HAS TO STOP at the edge of your property, you can not and are not allowed to pick up any part of the street afaik : hence : don't film unless they're at it and even THEN you might run the risk of getting blame , mind you , and mind you well

For instance : a guy breaks into your house, you go downstairs (assuming you could even GET a permit for a gun) totin' (assuming you have a downstairs lol) you watch him walk to the door with your tv.

you are NOT allowed to shoot ... you have to kindly ask the man to stop walking, hold it with that tv until the cops arrive, then call the cops , then wait until they arrive, you see, as long as the guy does not constitute deadly threat it will be murder ... in off-cases you could get off if he showed 'signs of' (getting a handgrenade out or something) but that probably applies only to the upper-middle and upper-classes (you can do your own research , ask a fucking lawyer, pls dont take my word for it but they will tell you it's like that) ... SO if THAT happens, NEVER SHOOT THE MOTHERFUCKER IN THE BACK

always shoot the motherfucker in the face

and keep a knife handy in a sterile plastic bag , which you thouroughly cleaned with window cleaner and rinsed off plenty

to put in his hand, dummy ...

sed lex dura lex ... i dont know what summer brings but its not gonna be like last time ...

Posted using Partiko Android

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