Few week ago i heard first time about Manabase.
@xplosive was the one recomenden it to me and of course i became curious.
The promise sounds good. Basic income on the blockchain.
I use tge refferal link to sign up. Than after that i get a email that my sign up is under process and it can take 2 weeks.
Ok. No worry the steem working similar way i tought so lets wait.
I tought i will get aproval earlier as i experienced on steem as well but nothing.
After 2 weeks still nothing.
Ok. Lets check the FAQ. For sure there will be a answer.
And actually there was. They wrote i should email them again.
Ok. No problem lets make it i tought.
Email sent again. Still nothing......
So to be honest i am quiet disapointed.
How it can happened? Why they dont answer the email?
And the interesting part is that for others it is working. But of course they registered 2 years ago as far as i know.
But the fact that after 2 weeks i sent them a email and they didnt replied is not a good sign.
So i dont know. If you wanna try just searc it in the google. But i had a negative experience even before i can register.
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