My thoughts for today : Dreams and goals.

in partiko •  6 years ago  (edited)

Just like hoping for a beautiful sunset everyday.

If we say dreams there will be plenty,
If we say goals... How much do you have?

We dream at night we dream in the daylight, but goals took a part of our lifetime,

To achieve a dream is great to be true but if it is not achievable... At least we have dream of it,
To achieve a goal is to be successful in life but if it is failed to be achieve, it will be a great dissapointment of all.

I my opinion, dreams are wishes about things that we want to have in our life.
Goal is something much more greater because goal is something that we must achieve and spent a part of our lifetime to make it comes true. Sometimes, it even took a whole lifetime to achieve.

Well... This is only my thought of the day. Gald to share it with other and hopefully I could read about your opinion too.

Posted using Partiko Android

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It would be so nice if we put all the effort to achieve our dreams and become them THE goal haha

That is also true. If that happen, even if we didn't manage to achieve it at least we know that we have tried and shouldn't be too disappointed about the fail.

Posted using Partiko Android

Everyone should have dreams, it makes our life hopeful. If you want to have a better life, you should have a goal, then you can make great efforts to achieve it. 😊

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think having both is better. And I totally agree that everyone should have dream.

Posted using Partiko Android