Albert Einstein Life Details

in partiko •  6 years ago 

Albert Einstein (German: Albert Einstein Albayt Aytenstein) (March 14, 1879 - April 18, 1955) is a German-born Nobel Prize winning physicist. He is renowned for his famous relativity theory and especially the finding of the sources of mass-energy equivalence. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. It is mentioned as the reason for his reward, for his contribution to theoretical physics, and especially for the study of photoreal work. [1]

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein Head.jpg
Albert Einstein in 1947
The birth
14 March 1879
Woolm, Württemberg, Germany
18 April 1955 (76 years)
Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Germany, Italy, Switzerland, United States
German (1879-96, 1914-33)
Switzerland (1901-55)
US (1940-55)
Switzerland Patent Office (Bern)
Zurich University
Charles University of Prague
Prushiya Science Academy
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute
University of Leiden
Institute for Advanced Studies
former student
ETH Zurich
PhD advisor
Alfred Kleiner
The reason for the contact
General relativity
Special relativity
Brownian Speed
Mass-energy equivalence
Einstein's field equation
Integrated field theory
Basu-Einstein statistics
EPR Riddle
Notable awards
Nobel Prize medal.svg Nobel Prize in Physics (1921)
Kapili Medal (1925)
Max Planck Medal (1929)

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