We're here to talk about password manager and password management, is a platform to manage all of your usernames and passwords too. Often. We find ourselves writing passwords on Post-It note or keeping them Excel document or who knows.
We keep all the usernames and passwords. So password management gives you one repository in one place for Vault to save all of your passwords. When we think about what vulnerabilities are businesses have too often. We don't think about our employees and the usernames and passwords that they use.
But securing the passwords that your employees use is one of the simplest and easy ways to protect Act your business from compromise to protect your business from fraud. Overall, the keeper platform you log in and before you log in keeper is going to authenticate you before you even put in your username and password. So it's going to send you a two-factor authentication. Once you're logged in, you have access to your Vault, all of your stored passwords for all the different websites that you go to.
And I can tell you, I have 200s words that I use and work. I never thought there was that many until we put keeper Security in place. One, other thing, once you're logged in, not only the employee, but also the admins and business owners can see how many passwords are for sale on the dark web, how many compromised usernames and passwords are found on the dark web if it doesn't get any better?
Other than knowing if your username and passwords are for sale or found on the dark web, keep your security is going to go one step farther and tell you if your existing passwords or even strong it's going to tell you exactly what what usernames were they're used and what passwords are associated with, in which ones you need to change. We here at RM Solutions. Want to help you and your business. Take that next step in securing not only your employees.
But overall, you give us a call or reach out to me today and let's talk about what password management means and how it can help more secure your organization.
Try Keeper Security: https://cutt.ly/keepertrialflex