SLC21W1 Basic concepts and utensils for baking.

in pastrychefs-s21w1 •  4 months ago 

Greetings baking lovers. I love baking and the sweet aroma of cakes, cookies baking in the oven. It’s been a while I baked, hope to get back my baking vibes with this seasons learning challenge.

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Thanks for this wonderful opportunity to learn more. Let’s dig into the class work.

Some baking terminologies used in baking not included in the class

Aerate: This is a term used to explain the incorporation of air into a thing, usually batter.

Batch: This is the amount /quantity of cookies, bread, cakes etc made from a bake.

Batter: This is the mixture of liquid and dry ingredients like flour, eggs, and water or milk. This is similar to dough but batter is thicker. You cannot knead batter but you can knead a dough.

Fold: This involves gently incorporating dry ingredients to liquid ingredients using a whisk or spatula.

Infuse: This is immersing or soaking or steeping something inside a liquid in order to extract the flavors.

Some baking utensils I have and their images

Oven: The oven is a hollow chamber which the temperature is controlled and it’s usually used for baking at certain temperatures when the substance is introduced into it.

B99DC00F-C898-4937-A06D-8B1E2F7F1328.jpegBaking pans

Baking Pan: This is a tin like sheet container usually in different sizes and shapes in which the item to be bake is poured or put into before putting them inside the oven.

55A011C4-3070-4435-9B53-E43D23E024D5.jpegRolling pin

Rolling pin:This is used for rolling out pastry doughs like cookies, pies etc.

50663A2D-66EE-4929-9D32-7D90A4C02AB1.jpegIcing cutters

Icing cutter: It’s used to cut icing sugar into different shapes and sizes for decorations.

4B1CB8CB-D42F-4540-85AA-F6DF913DC9A1.jpegMeasuring cups

Measuring cups: They are used to Measure the required quantities of ingredients needed for baking.

My baking ingredients and their equivalent prices in steem.

Flour:Flour is a major baking ingredient gotten from grounded wheat basically. This is one bowl of flour and it’s about 18 steem.


Sugar:Sugar is the major sweetener in baking. This is refined sugar and it’s about 5.2 Steem.


Baking powder:This helps to lighten and increase the size of things we bake. The price is about 8.8 steem.

7716059B-4D35-4937-9951-695F8BE385F6.jpegBaking powder

Flavours and sprinkles:The flavours add to or enhances the taste of our baking. The sprinkles is for designing. Their prices is 2.1 steem for each bottle.

3BBD83CE-7FDD-4224-9801-7FF4317E12F6.jpegFlavours and sprinkles

Colourings:Colourings like the name implies add colour to our baking. We use them to achieve our desired food color. The price is about 2.6 steem.


Bicarbonate of soda:This is a leavening agent too. The price is about 16.5 steem.

44C2F8BD-CF34-4FFB-95A8-9BCE912C10B8.jpegSodium Bicarbonate
How do you think a good pastry chef can be defined: by having tools or by having extensive knowledge and techniques in pastry making?

A good pastry chef should have tools to work with but far from the tools. You can have tools and not know how to use it. So far from the tools, a good pastry chef must have the extensive knowledge and techniques on how pastry making works.

There are different techniques and knowledge needed in pastry making. The combinations of the knowledge and techniques and how to brings materials together in the right proportion to deliver an excellent result is what makes a good pastry chef.

Thank you for reading through. I ask @lewas-write, @ngozi99 and @jovita39 to participate in this learning challenge.

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Hola @alexanderpease, un placer saludarte

Es muy cierto lo que dices amigo, un repostero debe tener herramientas necesarias para trabajar pero también necesita los conocimientos para poder hacer el uso correcto de ellas, hay muchas personas que tienen una batidora, y muchos utensilios pero no saben usarlos, así que se necesitan de ambas cosas para realizar un buen trabajo, tanto conocimientos y habilidades como los utensilios necesarios.

Te deseo mucho éxito. Un abrazo 🤗

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