SLC21-W5 // Gelatin

in pastrychefs-s21w5 •  3 months ago 


Welcome to another week of learning pastry and this week was supper amazing as new lecture was unfold. Gelatin is just a healthy dessert with lot of benefits and it is good to be consumed.

I enjoyed preparing as it doesn't have much ingredients or much steps of preparation. It is easy and straight forward.

Follow along as I prepared my gelatin

Have you ever prepared gelatin at home? Tell us about your experience.

Yes, I've prepared it before, my first time experience was supper amazing and I didn't still have any challenges. My daughter's best gelatin is banana gelatin, she loves it so much especially if I used a cubes mold and add stick to it. She loves a special recipe with candy and I'm preparing it in this contest for her.

These steps is simple just to follow along and the results comes out smoothly.

From the study I have learnt that gelatin is edible comes in powder form and it's texture is like a jelly that is used in preparation of some desserts such as custard. It has a lot of health benefits to the body some of which includes vitamins and protein.

I can see the reason most people do make dessert with it.

Make a creative gelatin, you can use fruits, creams, sweets, cream, cocoa, coffee among others (detail utensils, ingredients and step by step).


  • Water
  • Gelatine (red colour)
  • Fruits (banana)
  • milk



Add water in the pot


Added my quantity of gelatine to the cold water and dissolved it. Then added hot water and stir consistently and set it aside to cold.


I tuned it to my mold to cold


I added my condensed milk, Banana and some gummy candy as sweeter to taste



My banana gelatin was ready to be served chilled, the gummies candy I used gave it a unique red colour as it float on it then the banana added some flavour to it and it was yummy.

Did you encounter any difficulties in making your gelatin?

No not really, as it was simple to prepare, I followed the guidelines and it makes it easy for me. If you follow the step by step preparation, it is easy to prepare.

Do you have any special tips for making gelatin? Share them.


  • Gelatin comes in a powder form which is known as granules, this man it is not very smooth powder but it is granules so once added in the water it will stick together and if it is not properly stir, it's a form lumps in it. So in this case, to avoid lumps, it should be properly mixed with cold water before using hot water in dissolving it.

  • Gelatin comes in different forms therefore you need to know the particular type you buy so that's the determined whether to use hot or cold water for it

  • It should be refrigerated to give it that jelly-solid texture.

  • Gelatin should not be boiled in temperature above 212°C, if not it will not be sticky to form the gel.

  • If you are using sugar to sweetened it, be careful with the quantity used as it may make the gelatin to either dissolve or more soft. Therefore, it changes the texture of gelatine and it should be avoided.

Gelatin is a dessert to share, tell us who you shared this gelatin with.

It was my baby's first time off saying this gelatin until I share this special recipe with her. She enjoys it especially as it was cold so when data was telling me it is ice cream she enjoyed making it as sweet I cut it into smaller pieces which she was able to put it in her mouth and she enjoyed as it dissolves slowly with the sweet taste.

I will like to invite @dequeen @crismenia and @lovinah to take part in this contest.


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Hola @eliany!.

Bienvenida al curso de repostería, esperamos que disfrutes de cada clase y que puedas aprender mucho.


Mi amiga la gelatina es un postre básico en la repostería con él podemos realizar infinitas creaciones y un punto súper importante es que al consumir gelatina estamos aportando a nuestro organismo innumerables beneficios. Me alegra saber mucho que disfrutaste preparando esta gelatina especial donde tiene un sabor increíble ya que se unen la gelatina con el plátano y la leche condensada estoy seguro que tu hija disfruta al máximo de este delicioso y refrescante dulce.

No tuviste ningún contratiempo en la elaboración del mismo, como bien lo indicas es un postre fácil y práctico mencionas algunos consejos los cuales debemos de tener presente para tener una gelatina de lujo.

Observaciones y sugerencias: Agradecemos su dedicación y esfuerzo. Te animamos a seguir aprendiendo.

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Puntaje Total9.1
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Verificado en: 28-11-2024

Oh really I'm grateful thank you I will continue learning

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